I pretty much knew all this and had no knee jerks.
*The United States of America is the world’s largest extremist terrorist country
Is a little open ended. I probably would have called it a 'terrorist government'. The way it is phrased could sound like regular civilians are strapping on bombs and traveling around the globe wreaking havoc, when in fact it is confined mostly to government action.
Washington had all kinds of problems. The free men who fought with him were constantly at odds with him on strategy and tactics, and with good reason.
Washington also wished to have a national military school which materialized as West Point. After Shays Rebellion he leaned heavily statist.
The most interesting founders will never be known, as their names were seldom recorded, and they weren't that social to begin with.
The Obama Venezuelan issue doesn't have any different optics for me than a national socialist construct engaging with a communist social construct. That's about 74 year old news.