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RE: Letting Go of Anger (a “How To?” question, not a “How To” guide)

in #anger6 years ago

Thank you for the very kind and thoughtful reply.

It does me an incredible amount of good to hear that I am not alone in how I feel. Sometimes I feel adrift and alone ideologically. I used to fancy mysef somewhat of a libertarian, but seeing the purists on here has convinced me that I don’t have a home there either.

But back to the anger thing, I’ll probably keep posting more about it (or other personal stuff). I’ll be sure to use the right tag next time 😁

Thanks again for your feedback. You are a good friend.


oh you are so not alone but we have felt that way because you can't breath a word of any of this to either Trump supporters or Christians it seems. The one's we are around turn a blind eye to the horrible behavior and defend it and that makes all conservatives and Christians look terrible.

Mrs. J rants about this every single day, and has been since the Preliminaries began, I kid you not! But if we couldn't talk about it we'd probably be in a silent rage mode also!
hey you can't pass me in rep number! how'd you do that?
hey that would be a good post, how to succeed on steemit part time.. or something like that.
I just heard that they were doing away with the rep numbers in a few weeks with the new hardfork changes but then I don't know how we gauge anyone's experience or status level unless that's the point.

4 Curies is how 😆 plus several small ones.

4 curies!! hahhaha..oh man, curie wouldn't touch my posts with a ten foot pole I don't think! ha!
however, it's kinda who the curators like because they keep coming back and I saw one last night, and I've seen alot of them where I'm like.."really??" lol. nothing at all special. one last night was just a photo, that's all, not a single word written!
Now I KNOW some of mine are better than that!

but anyway yeah there ya go..write about how to do posts which get curied!