I have zero knowledge about knitting, but I like sewing. I make many stuff for myself, my kids, my relatives. And I sell some of my work as well.
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I have zero knowledge about knitting, but I like sewing. I make many stuff for myself, my kids, my relatives. And I sell some of my work as well.
nice, i want learn about sewing but i dont have time for it. i thing sewing is so useful for us.
Sy jg ga pnh kursus njait loh. Cuma otodidak aj, bebikinan apa aj, asal jgn baju. Baju sendiri bolehlah. Jgn jait baju org.kalo salah ntar ad yg ngamuk
hahah...iyaa juga ya. harus nyoba2 buat jait baju sendiri dulu.
Semangat....bisa menyelamatkan isi dompet 😁