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RE: When I’m not painting, I’m always writing.

in #art7 years ago

I've come to realize the ridiculousness of "writer's block" as being better termed as laziness. One can always write. It doesn't matter if it's good or not. The point is to develop discipline. If a person writes only 200 words a day, five days a week, at the end of every year they've written a small novel. Now it might be a lousy novel, but it goes to show how much can be accomplished with just a little persistence. I appreciated your post. More people in the arts need to hear things such as this. For if you only paint, write, play music, when you're inspired, where's the development of style and grammar and all those things artists seem to disdain, but don't realize the great artists we revere, more often than not, were closer to hard workers than geniuses.