The New Wave in T-shirt Business

in #art7 years ago (edited)

On Instagram, I found the amazing thing. You can print anything on your clothes with Handjet Portable Printer. This printer was created for industrial use. But we know how to use it better, right? 😉

image source

Its very cool and simple stuff, but it cost too much for me at this moment. But I still want it 😆
Just imagine how many awesome prints you can do on closes in half of the minute? You need only creativity and Handjet Portable Printer.

Good luck everybody. Let your dreams come true!


Я верю, что Вы когда-то придумаете, как сделать что-то подобное самому.

Ох! Ви мабуть мене переоцінюєте ))

Pretty cool!

Yeah! it is!

this is a fantastic thing. I once dreamed that you have a felt-tip pen that would paint in the color you want. it's even cooler

Hah! Rght now I can't image something cooler than this)))

Как классно, что в нашей жизни появляется так много новых технологий.

Основне що нам залишається, це встигати за ними!