Orbital Mechanics, Semaphore & Techno Signatures

in #astronomy2 days ago (edited)
I apologize in advance, for how strange, this is going to read, I suppose I have to do it this way, and now theirs clouds great, and the sun will be up shortly, pretty insightful.

Yeah, so basically, we generally use radio waves, to explore the universe, when in reality, we should be using light, for some things, yes, the spectrum is the spectrum, and we will no doubt learn different ways to communicate,

So far as civilizations that would be particularly far away, beyond, the means, of conventional propulsion, or even experimental propulsion, and there are, as far as i understand it, places that are just so far away we can’t get to in a timely manner (at time of writing anyway)


So as most people know, there is the visible light universe, and for sake of simplicity, there is then everything else, outside, the range of the visible light universe, and beyond that, it gets rather interesting, and we all know considerably less.

Let’s just say, hypothetically, you develop an almanac, code and decoder, for very simplistic terms, you can use the metaphor of whatever code and decode system you are familiar with in your head, it really doesn’t matter I’m just giving an example.

Then, understanding light, is pretty fast, obviously - you then use, assumed exo-planetary observations, to pulse and transmit that code through what ostensibly would be semaphore, via slight modifications of how the planet will be perceived

Now how do you do that?

Glad you didn’t ask, because I’m about to tell you anyway.


Well, you could be entirely crazy, and just start moving planets around, in theory, you could do that, HOWEVER a more practical way (and less destructive to the environment I might add) Dust.

Would be rather easy in a solar system, to utilize dust, to change the pulsation of your planet, as it relates to semaphore, as it relates to data packet transmission & communication.

Now, where you run into a problem with this, is obviously, the timescale, there are some pro’s and con’s to this, but on the whole, they work out for the best, but I would prefer to discuss those implications, under separate cover, in an appropriate setting, suffice to say, any hypothetical entities that live that long or hang around that long, are probably on the same page as you, one would assume, If not it would be quite surprising.

It’s very easy to do, for a Type 1 civilization, perhaps not all Type 1 civilizations, because, there could be different permutations, on their ability or willingness to develop weather control, or solar weather control (Budgets, Politics, Ideologies, Religions, Etc) could all play a part in slight, variations, however in principle, in the least, while it should be rudimentary for Type 1, it certainly would come about by the time you reached Type 2 because, invariably, just as we had colonization and derivation of countries and nations because of political ideology, the same will be true, of any civilization in the universe.

I am trying to think of it in a way that is easier to explain to you, let me try and explain in more plain terms, let us use ourselves, earth or terra firma, as some people like to call it, eventually, there will be “another England” and “Another America” and “Another Australia” for essentially, the same reasons, as to why America, is America in the first place, political differences, departure, foundation and so on and so forth, the only difference is, as civilizations progress, they don’t necessarily need all those bloody conflicts that you have when you’re a type 0 civilization, because you can just go elsewhere.


I’m not hitting on you, I just basically used your research, thank you for doing it.

Yeah, so you use, the notion, of how we already do it, at Seti, but data transmission via that method, is slow, same concept, but instead, you use dust, in very pocketed fields, running across all permutations of logical mathematical evolutions, base 10 , base 12, 24, 64, all the various derivatives we have accumulated on earth, you use that, like semaphore, but you range trajectory change it, based on distance, so obviously you would have to wait a while sending something of that nature to a thing, due to the span of light years, that is just the fact of the matter so far as distance is concerned, as far as I am aware (and I could be wrong) there is no faster method, which is unfortunate, this is not to say there might not be in the future, I just personally, do not know of a faster method.

If we take what we already do, with exo-planetary science, analysing for techno signatures in the atmospheric data, when you found, evidence, for potential techno signatures that in theory, may indicate life, you could then pulse it, via this method and it would get there a dam sight quicker, than radio waves.

I am sure in my scientific rationale, there are flaws in it, however, in saying that, smarter people than I, might actually be able to do something with it, Teamwork, Semaphore, dust, and base maths systems utilizing solar weather control sciences, much faster than radio waves, and won’t get distorted either (Unless of course they get bent by gravity, i.e. gravitational lensing etc)


Scan for techno signatures, when you find a slight indication of the middle ages, which is how it works, because its somewhat like time travel in a way, you always see things in the past, because of how light works, etc, so you scan for that, and at which point, use light and semaphore, because, we are attempting to communicate based on our advanced sciences, i.e. we are communicating like the 21st century, but we need to be communicating like the 14th century, because otherwise it will quite literally, go “over their head” as we say.

So, you would have to find a way, to bury it within their culture, because they won’t understand, for a very long time i.e. if some bloke in the Middle Ages just thought he saw some flashing thing in the night sky, he probably would think its gods or angels or ghosts or whatever spiritual or mythological idea you care to use.

And that is fine, let him think that, in fact, let him make a song and dance about it, keep doing it, so they do think that, so that way there is a ton of record of it throughout their cultural history and records.

Then, wait long enough, and said civilization, (assuming it doesn’t kill itself, which unfortunately some type 0’s do), should invariably, develop sufficient technology to be able to cross reference from past correlations, to new correlations, and then decode it, and figure out how to communicate.


Rather amusing, that we have gone ultra-high tech, when in reality we should be going low-tech, bit of dust, and a torch, patience and maths.

Now, if you, were trying to communicate with a type higher, yes, then you would go high tech, but, if your trying to communicate with something slightly behind you, ever so slightly, by a hundred years or so, then of course you must go low tech, it would be the same if they were slightly, ever so slightly ahead of us, and tried to send us radio waves in earlier centuries, we would not have even received them, and then they may be inclined to think there is no signal, and just look elsewhere.

Hypothetically speaking, Plutonians (When, not should, when my descendants, friends, or otherwise associates be successful, because we will) we will be in the unique position to communicate and receive communications first, strictly speaking for the fact of the matter that it is so dark out there.

And yes “That” would occur with an NHI, of similar biological and compatible type, if for no other reason, than a science experiment, if you know, you know, would not be tasteful for me to discuss that any further in public.

I do have some wild speculation as to who’s technology this is, quite sincerely so, but it is very much so, classified, and very much so, recent, circa, cold war era, or there abouts, so with respect, I am not discussing that any further, I will however give you a brief metaphor, by way of a piece of mythology, because that way, I am saying something without actually saying anything and perhaps, you can do your own research.

Lady of the Lake, that’s all I am going to say, not that there isn’t whistleblower protections, not that there isn’t free speech, I am all for those things and we have them, I just think its unwise, to discuss that any further at this particular point in time, she was very good at creating weapons, and countermeasures and a good friend of Merlin, quite a good friend actually, if you know what I mean rather charming lass if I do say so myself.

The Cosmonauts, may or may not know about this
The Astronauts, probably know what I’m talking about
And England will probably be terribly confused, for now.

Maybe not, I personally wouldn’t know, but I know of people that do, lets put it that way.

Good Morning,

Written by Kashmir_Z

P.S. https://hive.blog/politics/@kashmirz/liberation-of-gerrard-v

