It is a great week here at the homestead. We have been fortunate enough to be able to make a friend very happy. Ideas and dreams are looking good. My husband is doing well, losing weight, cooking healthy meals and has discovered that his kitten is able to alert him to low blood sugar issues. We were gifted 5 dozen file drawers and have so far put about a third of them into place and started to sort items into them. I was able to talk to the neighbor's son and get a better idea of what I need to get out of their garage. The library is shaping up nicely and now we are starting on the other building. This years trees are bought and will be planted on Sunday. The song says "Imagine there's no heaven", I can't. I can though imagine that this here and now is heaven and I can believe in that and make it so!
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steem-network (-2)(1) 7 years ago
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