Good evening steemian colleagues, successful greetings to all of us and hopefully we are always in a state of spirit of work even though SBD has little value. The important thing is that you steemans remain amazing, we are all creators who always work.
The era of modernization has long been experienced, we are the millenial generation in this modernization, which of course has a lot to understand the development of technology and communication which must have become a daily food, can not deny if we can not be far from the name of technology let alone diera modernization as it is today. Therefore among us we must be able to and intelligent use of technological progress, clever looking for opportunities from a narrow angle though, do not just be a connoisseur of technological developments, but take advantage of the various innovations that are currently available in it's new millenial generation name extraordinary.
Millennial generation today is us, we are millennials who must surely take advantage of this technological development, much progress we have felt, the development of communication networks and the internet is also very clear we feel, now back to us millenial generation, willing to use it or want to be the audience of its development. Yes, of course we must use it to see the opportunity, social media is one of them. Social media is now highly developed and also very diverse, social media is also a medium of communication is very instant and easy to reach also used. Depending on what we want to use it, so informative users to always read and share information shared through this social media or use social media for media campaigns and also to just show the existence of ourselves back to ourselves whether we are observant, observant to see the opportunities from the development of this technology.
Millenial generation must have to understand about the media, understand the development of media and its utilization, certainly not just be a connoisseur. With the media we can also work, by sharing the potential that we have for others to know our potential through this medium. Very much of course we can do, many of which we can take advantage of we already have the potential to live we explore it for a matter of course extraordinary. From the development of technology we can be creative, can be by writing, design, promotion, experimentation, create an innovation and so much more. Millennial generations will always understand and be aware of technological developments, not rigid to face the very rapidly expanding technology today.
Blockhain technology is one of the greatest technological developments in this millenial era, where with blockhain it is one of the digital developments in terms of payments that are currently the prima donna of this millennium, blockhain enables users to have virtually valuable assets in the form of cryptocurrency currents in the form of bitcoins can be disbursed into rupiah currency, this asset can be directly saved user without third party intermediaries anymore. This is very remarkable, one of the platforms that make it easy for us to get this currency is Steemit, which is one blockhain based blogging media, with steemit we will get it, of course not free, we need business and work in this steemit, share the writing that would be fruitful rewards, the key is to believe and try, and clever to see the opportunities dilalamnya then than that understand the concept of using it, we as a millenial generation of course should be aware of the concept of this bersteemit how, we are not just users, we are creators here we also can reward others with this steemit.
There have been millenial generations who know about this steemit, they have used it and use it. It is a remarkable thing that the millenial generation not only enjoys the media and its development, but also makes use of it which is certainly a distinct advantage for them. Remember, we live in the era of modernization and the millennial era, and the millenial generaries are all of us, so we as generations must be good at seeing opportunities.