Best Selfie Challenge-Selfie With Friends #Day 1

in #bestselfie7 years ago (edited)


We are the group 'The Romantic Roommate'.
Me, @viviehardika, and @zakiyahrs

We have been two years for sharing life together. We share a house, share a room, and share anything about women. Except for one thing: WE DO NOT SHARE BOYFRIEND. Lol

I love them as much as my family. We have different jobs. Let me tell you. I'm a Social Media Officer at public relation of consultant company. @viviehardika worker as Journalist at Bollywood Magazine and @zakiyahrs as 'Help Desk'

We are strong women who are trying to make our dreams come true. Can you see that?


This photo is my entry to Best Selfie Challenge-Selfie With Friends 7 Days

I think you must to join this challenge! Very fun! Let's join.

Rules for the challenge:

  1. You must to post the everyday entry
  2. You must to make invitation to other friends to join vote at discord channel.
    Please enter this link Steem School Discord Channel to join us.
  3. Vote will be after 7 days onky for everyday participants
  4. Rules and entry to be placed at discord in selfie channel:
  5. Last two days entries will not qualify

Enter here for the Discord. Please join with all of the fun people!!!

Thanks to @flysky and @dobartim for the fun selfie challenge in the world!!!




Ikutan ah

Meskipun sudah join discordnya @dobartin

Tapi belum aktif

Yuk ikutan jangan sampe kelewatan lagi. Ntar nyesel

hijab yg menyempurnakan kecantikanmu @anggreklestari sungguh sangat cantk :)

Terima kasih untuk komentar positifnya. Yuk semangat terus ber-Steemit!

sama kawan @anggreklestari yok sama2 kita saling bantu membantu dan bekerja sama semoga kita semua trgolong dlm golongan org2 suks sll...

Share apapun kecuali calon imam yak. Ahaha

Yoiii ayo tunjukkam kekuatan selfie kita!

Challenge yang menarik nih @anggreklestari. Good idea.

Iya ikutan ya. Kamu bisa kirim aku pesan di Discord ya untuk tanya tanya.

Oke, thanks.

Semoga beruntung, cantiiiik

Makasih Mbak Cantiiik 😘😘😘
Semangat teruuus ber-Steemit.

pingin jjuga selfie ma angrek LOL

Ayo sini ke Jkt

Salam sukses...

Salam sukses kembali. Salam kenal 😊

Salam kenal juga...

Ya ampun tiga anak ini 😂

ndak ngerti lagi apajadinya kalau kita udah gak satu kosan :D

Pasti sangat-sangaaaaaat kangen!

There is nothing better than a solid sisterhood. X

Yeah I love them. Thanks for dropping by, my friend @girlbeforemirror 😊

Selamat anda beruntung karena termasuk tiga orang yang saling menebar kebahagiaan dan riangnya persahabatan