Olympic Canadian Speed Skater Gets Sponsorship Paid In Cryptocurrency

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Ted Jan Bloemen.jpg

Ted Jan struck a one year deal with ONG Social a social network heavily involved in Virtual Reality . This deal consists of the world record Olympic skater sharing his journey in VR virtual reality on their social network CEEK VR. He will earn cryptocurrency from the company for doing so. With the volitile nature of Cryptocurrency this can be a really smart or dumb move. This may open the door for more athletes to get involved with Cryptocurrency.

“Bloemen’s support for cutting-edge technologies is reflective of his proclivity for pushing the boundaries,” said Spio CEO of ONG in a statement.

“We believe Virtual Reality isn’t just great for our audience (Ceekers) but will ultimately be used for training and maximizing player performance and potential.”

Do you think this was a smart financial move for the skater? Sound off below.