
3 days later ,
depending on what happens in the next few days , I hope the trend continues with the impulse wave and we don,t swing into a Double Combo wave
$11.9Kto $12.7 range by Consensus

I like to keep it simple (12345) and (abc). Don't wanna get lost in complex formations nor micro counts.
Ask 10 people to interpret a grafe, get 10 different interpretations. Only one could be right, but they are probably all wrong.

So what happened in the next 12 days , we did not go into the Elliot Double Combo formation , instead moved into cycle 2 of the Elliot wave theory and formed another another step on the Elliot wave with Extension

Looking good

Just giving my interpretation of the "lines" using Elliot wave rules.
I could be wrong, I could be right.

I think crypto is looking good this summer.