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RE: Buy bitcoin only on the first of the month on certain months and watch your money grow?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I look at more speculation and news than the season. If there is breaking news out about crypto, seasonality wouldn't be a factor to that. Great share @jrcornel

But I think there could be another price increase before may 14-16. The crypto summit held in New York. And possibly after that if there are partnerships or huge news due to the summit


Yes that is a great point. Which is why basing buy and sell decisions solely based on the time of the year probably isn't the best strategy. However, it might prove to be useful when taken in combination with other factors.

Agreed! ^^

So this youtuber, one of my favorites, has predicted the rise in crypto in May. Keep in mind, he created this video on March 25 of this year. His reasoning was due to historical data from 2017 consensus that caused the markets to rise drastically. This to me is a great example for a certain season to invest in cryptos, but then again it's involved around the biggest crypto summit in New York held annually. @jcornel

Let me know your thoughts when you get the chance of course!

That is very interesting and makes a lot of sense. We will be able to tell if he was right or not in a matter of weeks.