Oops. My bad. I forgot to research Sir Lunch's life story before commenting.
This has been a great thread because I am discovering all sorts of wonderful steemians to mute. So long @sirlunchthehost.
Oops. My bad. I forgot to research Sir Lunch's life story before commenting.
This has been a great thread because I am discovering all sorts of wonderful steemians to mute. So long @sirlunchthehost.
wth is up with you people, can't you speak to each other is a way, without cutting off the roots, this just has to be an attack to ats- whoever disagrees gets muted because hes no on the meme level of intelligence and didn't pass the "level"
Ok sure. I'll unmute Señor Almuerzo.
Nice conversation on here :D the spam is supreme :D is it worth a laugh or nothing i general,
can't believe blacklist got 60 comments :D:D:D:D:D