The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections

Hello dear soccer fans and valuated competitors :-)

here. Thanks to @blocktrades for being the sponsor of the big Steemit tippster competiton. Read more about it

Source: pixabay.

Here are my picks for the first stage of the approaching soccer world championship in Russia.

WRussiavsSaudi ArabiaL
LCosta RicavsSerbiaW
WSwedenvsSouth KoreaL
WUruguayvsSaudi ArabiaL
WBrazilvsCosta RicaL
LSouth KoreavsMexicoW
LSaudi ArabiavsEgyptW
LSouth KoreavsGermanyW
WSwitzerlandvsCosta RicaL


I think Portugal will win this match!
L Portugal vs Spain W@jaki01,


Let's see ... do you take part in the competition, too? :)

I didn't join yet! Can I join it now?@jaki01,


Sure, why not? In my article is a link to the site where the conditions are stated ...

Thank you very much! I will join in!@jaki01,


Mutiger Tipp. Du hast kein einziges Unentschieden dabei!


Ja, weil bei jedem einzelnen Spiel die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Sieges einer Mannschaft höher ist, als die eines Unentschiedens (was natürlich nichts daran ändert, dass einzelne Spiele remis enden werden).

Dass möglicherweise vor dem letzten Spieltag in bestimmten Paarungen beide Mannschaften zum Weiterkommen nur ein Remis benötigen, kann sich natürlich ergeben, aber das ist jetzt noch nicht absehbar ...

Hab nicht gewusst, dass du dich auch für Fußball begeistern kannst :)
Vielleicht willst du ja beim DACH-Tippspiel auch noch mitmachen!

Liebe Grüße ;)

So so, ich interessiere mich also nicht für Fußball? :)

Ja, ich werde mir gleich das DACH-Tippspiel mal ansehen und wohl auch noch teilnehmen :-) , wobei natürlich der Zufallsfaktor umso größer wird, je weniger konkrete Ergebnisse man zu tippen hat (schon beim @blocktrades-Tippspiel fehlen Quoten und die Möglichkeit, auf exakte Ergebnisse zu setzen - allein dadurch, die Gewinner richtig vorauszusagen, trennt man die Spreu vom Weizen nicht so einfach).

Puh, da muss ich wohl mit meiner Aussage zurückrudern :) Zu meiner Verteidigung sei zu sagen, dass diese Posts vor meiner aktiven Zeit waren :P

Wenn du etwas analytischeres mit viel mehr Kombinations und Denkmöglichkeiten haben willst, bitte: The Steem FIFA World Cup Fantasy League

Aber Achtung, da ist schnell mal ne Stunde an Zeit weg bei der Teamzusammenstellung :D

Danke für den Hinweis, aber ich bin mit Wetten ohnehin mehr als ausgelastet (außerhalb Steemits). Am DACH-Tippspiel nehme ich aber gerne Teil ... gib mir nur ein klein wenig Zeit, mich einzulesen. :)

Natürlich konntest du nicht wissen, dass ich ziemlich ins Wettgeschäft involviert bin ... ich habe hier ja schon länger (vor allem aus Zeitmangel) keine das Wetten betreffende Artikel mehr veröffentlicht.

P. S.: Es kann sein, dass ich ab nächster Bundesliga-Saison in Zusammenarbeit mit @jedigeiss (der sich um den reibungslosen Ablauf der Transaktionen über die Blockchain kümmern würde) selbstberechnete Wettquoten auf bestimmte Spiele veröffentlichen werde, auf die Steemians gegen mich dann Wetten abschließen können. Aber das ist noch nicht sicher und ebenfalls vor allem eine Zeitfrage.

Hi @jaki01, Pretty impressive selection by you... I already selected my play list. I wish you the best for win massive SBD target. I have big hope Portugal & Spain match. Both teams are talented. I guess result will be tie. What do you think?

I have no idea, which team will win ... according to my odds the most probable result is a win of Spain, but the differences of the probabilities are not very big.

Die Fragen aller Fragen, wer wird nun gewinnen ? Immer sehr schwer zu sagen, vor allem wenn man wie ich nicht viel mit Fußball zu tun hat und daher kann ich nur raten.....

Letztlich kann man kaum vorhersagen, wer gewinnen wird, weil die Gesamtwahrscheinlichkeit P = 1, dass irgendjemand gewinnt, sich auf alle Teams verteilt. Das bedeutet, dass selbst die beste Mannschaft eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von deutlich unter 50 % hat, das Turnier zu gewinnen ...

Fun and impatience I wait a very interesting match in the World Cup 2018 Russia, let alone my favourite team Germany and Spain who will fight in Russia.I also highly awaiting Japan Asia team schedule.

Hello @jaki01,

Extraordinary good prediction & I also joined.


@jaki01. I hope you are selected.. 😍


😫 Sorry. I mean I hope you win this contest.

Thanks, thanks ... but it seems you forgot the upvote! :)

Thanks for the upvotes! ;)

Good luck @jaki01 😂

Thanks! :)

Germany Vs Mexico match seriously massive game in first round. I wish German will win the match. I prefer to german player Kcloser.

Which player? Do you mean Klose who played some years ago?

Wow Nice selections man... I bet you will win totally rewards. No worries needed. Past history I known. Please be patience for get your rewards.

Nobody knows already who will win ...

It's a very good prediction and allows only a few games to end with a draw. this is great @jaki01.

I am pretty sure you prediction will go.right, best of luck

Thanks, we will see ...

the madness for Brazil in bangladesh,


your selection is good,good choise

Let's see ... are you taking part, as well?

I am also a football fan.

So you are taking part in the competition, as well?

I am a supporter

I meant if you are taking part in the tipster competition here?

I meant if you are
Taking part in the tipster
Competition here?

                 - jaki01

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Good lucky !

Thanks! :)

what country do you think will come out as champions?thank you @jaki01 for your article, so i can get information to participate.

I have no idea who will become world champion. The probability to win the tournament is distributed on all teams so that even the best team has a probability which is much lower than 50 %. Bookmakers think for example that the probability of Brazil to win is about 20 % ... the highest of all teams.

Excellent predictions and some surprising wins too that will be great to see all the best to you :D

Thanks! :)

Thank you for this information?
Upvoted and resteemed

Which information? Are you taking part, too?

Pretty good selection. Who can be the ultimate winner? Wish you good luck to win the tournament

Thanks for the information of world cup.

Have a nice day @jaki01

Wonderful information
100% like and resteem@jaki01

Thanks for the upvote, but in future write something related to the article, please! Which information is wonderful?

Great predictions sir i too want to participate but i dont have reputation of 40,all the best for the soccer world cup may it brings a lot of glory for you.

It seems that only one reputation point is missing ...

Nice one.. But I wish your country well at the world 🌍 cup 🏆 @jaki01 and once again wish u all a nice viewing..

That is valuable post. useful

Thanks for the upvote, but in future write something related to the article, please! Why is the post "valuable" in your eyes?

The wonderful post. thanks for sharing
Resteem Upvote

Thanks for the upvote, but in future write something related to the article, please! Why exactly do you think the post was "wonderful"?

Great and nice prediction keep eyes on nigeria vs argentina.

nice prediction & today onward we can see the winner of it. @jaki01

reteemed & upvoted@resteemia

HI sir @jaki01 , this is very nice selection. i' ll be waiting for Spain and Portugal team up. Hoping for the best game:) Wishing them the best!!!

That's glorious selections. I guess you'll win contest @jaki01.

Nobody knows who will win. :)
Do you take part, as well?

Interesting information... I support the team Brasil....
Thanks for sharing @jaki01...

Impressive selections @jaki01 but Nigeria to win Croatia

Let's see ... are you taking part, as well?

You are predicting so early. Will see whats happen. Wish your prediction comes true.

I had to predict early, otherwise my picks were not valid anymore ... did you follow the link which explains the rules?

By the way: why did you upvote your own comment but not my article?

most welcome man!

It seems you still didn't find the upvote button, lol.

Following your information, let see what happens?

You world cup picks are interesting and nice, I wish you good luck with your picks. And I hope you win some SBD rewards at the end of the tournament @jaki01

You could already upvote this article so that at least I will 'win' some cents ... :)

I hope your predictions will be true, thank you very much @jaki01

Thanks for the upvote ... ops, I just see you didn't ...

Pretty good.
Please have a look at my selections and tell me what you think about my picks ?

I only check picks of people who upvote my with more than 1 %, lol.

Thanks for this great post,,,,,,,,,,//////////

1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!

upvoted the resteemed message! get mo money!!!


Then upvote, lol.

Good post sir.. @jaki01