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RE: My son, my future daughter and what frightens me.

in #blog7 years ago

I actually have read similar things, but its more the stigma, the fact people are willing to look at me with disgust because of a plant i smoke. I dont do it in front of my kid, i dont leave it out. I just like strong and smelly varieties. So i often carry the aroma with me. What really bothers me about it honestly is that my kids are legitimately the absolute most important part of my life. I wouldnt hesitate to give my life for them.
For people to so ignorantly throw around threats like that it just breaks my heart. Its not a joke. My entire life could be turned upside down because of a threat like that. Its like if a whale on steemit were to downvote me because i like ethereum more than bitcoin. Because i dont agree with their views on life. Its damn terrifying to know one ignorant person decides to call them and suddely it make my hard work as a parent look insignificant because someone else who doesnt know me thinks they know whats best for a child they dont know and love. They dont cry in joy having him fall asleep in their arms. They dont rush home to see his smile. Yes i medicate with marijuana, but when im home with him i dont need any medicine. I use it for the times im not with my family. Depression, anxiety, fear thats what the pot is for. My love is strictly for my kin. Thanks for everything @canadian-coconut i appreciate the words of solidarity. Its something i dont get much irl.