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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/29/18> Looking back … and forward.

in #blog7 years ago

Some -- a small few -- well-connected and influential people in the United States get very, very, very, very rich when they persuade the government (We, the People) to blow stuff up in other parts of the world, hire them to rebuild things, and then do it all over again.

As long as there is this much profit in war, it's literally guaranteed we'll have a lot more of it.


No doubt in what you have stated here, it is very sad that we have allowed this as a people who are suppose to be "in charge" of our government.

I'm watching the Ken Burns documentary on WWII on Netflix while I work this week ... and it is astonishing (even nostalgic and quaint) to see politicians concerned about offending "the voters" and saying "The American people will never stand for such-and-so." People in Congress and the White House used to think about how to keep their constituents happy -- and serve the interests of the people at least SOME of the time. Now they clearly figure they can get away with anything they have the balls to try ... and the electorate will put up with any old crap. Sadly, so far, they've been right.

That has always been the case with elected officials, worrying about getting re-elected, nothing else matters in their grand scheme of things.