Writing and editing finish

in #blogyesterday

Hi, guys!

Segodnya khochu prodvinut'sya kak mozhno dal'she s final'nym redaktirovaniyem pervoy chasti svoyego romana, chtob uzhe kak mozhno skoreye vzyat'sya za napisaniye vtoroy chasti. Mne uzhe nachinayet kazat'sya, chto za tot period, chto ya redaktirovala pervuyu chast', ya zabyla, kak imenno nado pisat' i u menya seychas budut slozhnosti s napisaniyem vtoroy chasti. Nadeyus' na samolm dele eto ne tak. Tak chto seychas sdelayu sebe kofe, syadu za stol i nachnu final'nyy etap redaktirovaniya. Mne vse yeshche ostavlyayet nemnogo kommentariyev moya pervaya beta, no seychas uzhe ochen' nemnogo, roman prakticheski polnost'yu vychitan. Priblizhayetsya den' podachi teksta v izdatel'stvo. YA ochen' nadeyus', chto vikhola srazu menya voz'met i my srazu pereydem k razgovoru o redaktirovanii i publikatsii. Budet ochen' zdorovo yesli vse vyydet imenno tak. Cherez neskol'ko dney dolzhno poyavit'sya kuratorskoye raspisaniye konsul'tatsiy, mne yeshche nado uslyshat', chto mne skazhet na moy tekst moy kurator, i ya ochen' nadeyus', chto eto budet polozhitel'nyy otzyv. Konechno mne priyatneye, kogda menya khvalyat. Uzhe ochen' khochetsya, chtob u menya byla napisana vsya seriya, no ya starayus' sil'no sebya ne toropit', chtob ne peregoret'. Segodnya u menya net trenirovok, tak chto ves' den' ya provedu doma za rabotoy. Mozhet tol'ko nemnogo otdokhnu vecherom, i yeshche mne obeshchali prislat' tekst na betu. Interesno posmotret', chto budet na etot raz. Vchera u menya dolzhno bylo byt' dve trenirovki, no skhodit' poluchilos' tol'ko na odnu, potomu chto byl uzhasno kholodnyy zal i v konechnom itoge mne prishlos' uyti s trenirovki po pilonu, potomu chto k nemu ne vozmozhno bylo dazhe prikosnut'sya. Nadeyus' zavtra budet po-drugomu. Vsem otlichnogo dnya!
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Today I want to move as far as possible with the final editing of the first part of my novel, so that I can start writing the second part as soon as possible. It’s already starting to seem to me that during the period that I was editing the first part, I forgot how to write exactly and I will now have difficulties writing the second part. I hope in fact this is not the case. So now I’ll make myself some coffee, sit down at the table and start the final stage of editing.

My first beta still leaves me some comments, but now very few, the novel is almost completely proofread. The day of submitting the text to the publisher is approaching. I really hope that the vikhol will take me right away and we will immediately move on to talking about editing and publication. It will be great if everything turns out exactly like this.

In a few days, the curatorial schedule of consultations should appear, I still need to hear what my curator has to say about my text, and I really hope that it will be a positive review. Of course, I feel better when I am praised. I really want to have the whole series written, but I'm trying not to rush myself too much, so as not to burn out.

I don't have any training today, so I'll spend the whole day at home working. Maybe I'll just rest a little in the evening, and they promised to send me the text for beta. It will be interesting to see what happens this time.

Yesterday I was supposed to have two trainings, but I only managed to go to one, because the gym was terribly cold and in the end I had to leave the pole training, because it was impossible to even touch it. I hope tomorrow will be different.

Have a great day everyone!







