Yeah, me neither. The first I heard of it was someone here reporting there was a video of Hillary and Huma slaughtering some young girl, supposedly torturing her to produce terror to amp up the adrenochrome. I quit following that guy for awhile, but enough people reposted his stuff that I found sometimes he posts things not so fantastic or apt to dissuade others due to the outrageousness of the claims.
With the claims against Hillary, and as often as her name (foundations) are tied to corrupt things like child trafficking, it is a classic example of what I was mentioning here. Ignoring what appear clear cut violations against humanity and deviating towards bizarre areas that's unprovable (at least for now). It diminishes the energy of the community, and if these things are true logic would suggest that if we narrow the focus on more likely schemes, if this other bizarre stuff is true it probably will come out following the more concrete areas first.
It reminds me of the movie, Monsters Inc.
It reminds me of the movie, Eyes Wide Shut.
Click to watch 20 minutes,
An interesting video. While I do suspect (based on my investigations) there is a lot to this upper elite belonging to cult(s) from antiquity that may involve horrific rituals, I worry that focusing on these aspects of their corruption aids them in escaping justice. There is so much proof in front of all of us that they (elites) are involved in horrific schemes, the way they protect themselves. Throwing in schemes that seem straight out of bizarre movies seems designed to ensure that the average person will fall victim to shying away lest they be another of those tinfoil hat wearers to their peers.
Imagine if instead of focusing on this more practical situations were magnified, such as why they keep protecting JFK's killer, protecting people involved in 911 (we declared war on 2 countries and the average American because of this protection), etc). So much openly shady crap and I imagine that if the focus was placed on that it might well lead into some of this more bizarre stuff we see.
There is no doubt in my mind that there has been a ruling class that has survived since antiquity, one that has hidden much information from the masses as they use this information to play with us as though we are children. Their largest threat would be the fact that a mob of children can overpower an adult if they choose to. It's time to focus on one or two things to start with, get the masses onboard and not allow this misdirection (I assume they create some of these absurd stories just for this reason) to pull the focus off justice now.
Have you been watching the new Snowpiercer television show?
I agree with your practical approach.
But isn't this Jfry Epsn thing really the focus of much of the public's incredulity at the moment?
Isn't it obvious that a lot of really rich and famous people knew what was going on?
Can't we "break the system" by forcing them to be admitted to the same hellish conditions they designed exclusively for the poor?
If only for the pure irony of it?
Real prison time. No special treatment. No "house arrest". No "reduced sentencing". No meaningless "million dollar fines".
I think I remember someone saying something like, "capital punishment, if you don't have the capital, you get the punishment".
Ok, ok, what is your suggestion for the "top 2" "evils" we should be focused on (practically speaking)?
I actually want to help you in any way I can.
No, I don't have cable. I do watch Netflix, but usually a movie when I do.
Yes, and this is the type of thing i mean when I say we should not let up on the narrative. There is no need to dilute the simple truth that he catered (and probably backmailed) many in positions of power. No need to cater to the horrific speculations on child sacrifice, blood rituals and such. There is enough to start grabbing people and holding people in power accountable.
1-That the elite (the power families of the world, and their political/business stooges) have a set of rules for us that they are immune from. It's time to hold the public faces of their plantation accountable and create a fear in them greater than what they have of their masters (if this is possible).
2- Could be lumped in with one, but is so rampant that it deserves its own special focus. Law enforcement and judicial system purposely goes after small fish, and with the known amount of cases that are shown to have framed people is sickening enough. But even more horrific is the way that these so called justice systems are used to hide and obfuscate true crimes by the elite and their stooges. It's right in front of us, rubbed in our faces daily.
If those who are given the appearance of control to us are made to be so afraid of stepping into public it will create a reset by the true families/whatever in power that would force them to sacrifice much of their structure and temporarily return sanity and justice to many.
If just a portion of the crimes suspected are true, not sure prison is the answer. My research has shown levels of depravity that are true crimes against humanity. To such an extent that I sometimes do wonder if the real rulers of humanity are actually human. It wouldn't surprise me (although I don't push the narrative as its speculation at best) if we are perhaps a food source for beings who have a higher mode of living in the sense of physical/mental capabilities that could involve tech that to this day would seem as magic to our intellect. The amount of tech and knowledge required for buildings from antiquity, coupled with knowledge of things like astronomy suggest there was a great level of tech. At the very least it suggests (non human rulers or not) that those who do rule us perhaps have tech beyond what we know. This raises the question of what may be coming that they've chosen now to release it. I suspect it has to do with tracking us, perhaps for a harvest.
But that's all speculation, and taking a more direct route as to forcing the stooges appearing to be in charge to be accountable while forcing the narrative to stay on why justice/intelligence communities seem to protect and often run these schemes to the public detriment is the answer.
JFK was murdered almost 60 years ago and they still protect his murderer. Cathy O'Brian, the MKultra sex slave summed it up best. They operate these schemes under the secrecy banner of national security. It's far past time to force their hand that it's obvious they don't consider us part of the nation they belong to. They reveal it daily now, at speeds that are ramping up.
Are you familiar with "the golden web"?
I wasn't. I googled it last night. The first site was on light workers, which I didn't think you meant. Not much further down the search is what I suspect you were referencing.
Not sure if I buy into all of the video, but his wordplay was captivating enough I watched it in its entirety, and intrigued enough I plan on watching part two. I believe words to be more powerful than most concede, and often have found my shortcomings associated with ignorance in word structures despite it possibly being my strongest attribute.
If this was what you were referencing, thanks for mentioning it. I usually don't have the patience to watch video for long and couldn't pull myself away from this one.
I recommend studying it. It is such a fine piece of work. Sure they may be some errors here or there. Also, if you are not a fan of Sitchen then part 3 may put you off. If you know about the Saturn/Cube worship though, then you'll probably pick it right up.
I've watched this at least 6 times in its entirety and pick up lots of things I missed, each time.
I am glad people are sharing this again.
I highly recommend his other works as well that are still on his channel (at the rate youtube is going it may not be up long though).
Just finished the third video of the series. Curious what your thoughts on it are?
It reminds me a lot of this,
Click to watch 28 minutes (from 1971),
Are you familiar with the work of Alfred Korzybski?
I applaud the efforts of people who are trying to "bring this to light" (like @ura-soul and yourself). ***
However, the main "problem" with this approach is that it focuses too much on "bad actors" and by doing this you divert attention and potentially exculpate "THE SYSTEM" (namely, FEUDAL HIERARCHY).
And without systemic reform (HOLACRACY), we'll just end up with new and "improved" "HEROES" (CON-ARTIST MOBSTERS).
And we don't want to fall into the HERO trap.
Click to watch 4 minutes,
We must insist on a system that mitigates all forms of DEMONIZATION. ***
We must insist on a system that protects truly INALIENABLE RIGHTS (rights that nobody can "voluntarily" sign away).
We must insist on a ("legal") system that holds the PRIMARY AXIOMS.
We must insist on a policy of +proHUMAN.
We must insist on a policy of +proFAMILY.
We must insist on a policy of +proSOVEREIGNTY.
We must insist on a SYSTEM that can be effectively operated by SELF-INTERESTED BABIES (not "heroes").
Try "the platform" (movie) on NFX. ***
Try "circle" (movie) on NFX (NOT the show, they're nothing alike). ***
Try "snowpiercer" (movie) on NFX (may have been removed from NFX).
I'm not really "concerned" whether or not they're technically "human". (IFF) they used the tactics of CON-ARTISTS and MOBSTERS (THEN) they can be treated (dealt with) AS IF they were "human".
And their agents and proxies are certainly "human".