EU Cops Fight Voters

We must stand together or fall apart. Catalan is a big thing as of the first of October 2017 and you can see the videos and photos all over the world, online, offline, of Soros European Union (EU) swamp.

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Thanks for sharing this info! I've actually been trying to find out more about what is going in regards to the situation in Spain so these articles should be a good read.

For more info, go to the Drudge:

Cool, thanks mate!

Oh wow! I wasn't much aware about this. Is this a referendum to set itself free from Spain? Or, what is this about actually?

Kind of like the 2016 Brexit thing with England and the EU. The details might be complex but it can be compared to Brexit and the USA MAGA 2016. People were trying to vote. Some said they could vote but then EU police said no. Those people should be allowed to vote. The police were tearing up votes.

Any reason (s) why Catalans want to set itself free from Spain?

Most will say cultural differences but I think the main thing is money and taxes, it's one of the most rich part of Spain. I see it kinda like wallons and flemish people in belgium, 50 years ago wallons were rich and flemish poorer, now it's the other way so it's no more wallons that talk about secede but flemish.

One more thing to know about this referendum is that it's more a PR operation than a real referendum as for it to be legally binding it have to be voted by the 2/3 of the catalan parliament and it wasn't. It only had simple majority as independentist only had a little majority on the parliament.