ChangeNow is a crypto currency exchange. It is a fast exchange and It has many special capabilities than other exchange platforms. You can use this exchange in easy way. Without giving your personal details and any registrations. So please be blow description about how it works
Select the currency
For instance, in the event that you need to trade Bitcoin to Ethereum, type in the measure of BTC you might want to trade in the "You send" area and pick "BTC" starting from the drop menu. At that point pick "ETH" starting from the drop menu in the "You Get" segment and the administration will consequently figure the measure of Ethereum you'll get. In the case of all is well, tap on the "Trade" catch.
After that you should enter your wallet address
Type in your Ether wallet address in the "Your ETH Address (destination address)" box. Click "Next".
After that Check all the information carefully and click on "Confirm".
Next is deposit , ChangeNOW will generate a Bitcoin deposit address for you. Send your Bitcoins to this address. After that you will receive your coins. ChangeNOW will locate the best rate on one of the coordinated trades, process the exchange and your Ether will be sent to you in no time flat.
30% of NOW tokens will be dispersed continuously among the clients of ChangeNOW benefit.
For exchange users
Consistently until the utmost of 30 000 NOW tokens achieved they will disperse tokens among all trade clients who wish to take an interest in the circulation.
Keeping in mind the end goal to take part, clients should furnish to them with their ETH address amid the trade procedure. Measure of tokens apportioned will be resolved relatively to the measure of assets traded in BTC proportionate. Extent will be determined in the accompanying way:
• before NOW token is listed on centralized exchange: 1 BTC amount of exchange leads to 5000 NOW airdrop
• after NOW token is listed on centralized exchange: 1 BTC amount of exchange leads to 1000 NOW airdrop
Users benefits
Trade rates on this stage are the most least expensive as the stage chooses the best rates from an assortment of trade rates and this is of monstrous advantage to the clients. Cryptographic money can be purchased with the utilization of fiat cash and the utilization of visa or MasterCard which will generally convey simplicity to the clients. The absence of personal information of the users decreases the risk of fraud or scam to a large amount.The users are able to change as much cryptocurrency as they want without limitations.
The clients get the opportunity to control every one of their supports themselves accordingly choosing how their assets and this is done transparently.With the universe of crypto trade requiring much enhancements, ChangeNow is here to take care of the accompanying issues:
1- The current incorporated custodial trades dependably keep clients in danger as trades hold reserves and authorize
directions on clients.
2- Absence of Transparency in the custodial trade process in light of the fact that these stages covertly run all
exchanges in a way which leave space for doubt, and misrepresentation.
3- Poor client benefit by help by custodial help groups as long reaction time, defenselessness if there should be an
occurrence of monetary complexities.
4- Opportunity of utilization as unpracticed and typical clients discover trade innovation difficult to utilize.
If you want to know information about ChangeNow, you can refer below links as well
Website :
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Bitcointalk Username: Xumnelok
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2282561;sa=summary
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