Home Alone - The Real Thing!

in #christmas7 years ago (edited)

Christmas is just not the same without the family.

This is the second year in a row that I am not with my family for Christmas, basically it sucks. Years ago when I was "working" as I like to call it, one Christmas maybe, two in a row, no way, never happened. Although I do admit that in 2003 Christmas, literally in a palace was kind of interesting, especially with the light show and fireworks the locals put on for us, can't complain!
Remember getting to the chow hall like after it was all closed and cleaned up for the night and the dude who answered my knock on the kitchen door said "You haven't eaten today.... f#ck man, it's Christmas, hang on...." and he brought me some chicken and stuffing and chips (fries) and a few southern style 'biscuits' (kind of bun that is very tasty). it was a damn good meal, will always be grateful to him, and as he handed the plate covered in aluminium foil he wished me a "Merry Christmas". Will never forget that moment and the sincerity that was in the tone of his voice.

Well, today, on Christmas eve, it's me, & my kind of friend (Ref: Men At Work, "Who Can It Be Now"), a Chrissie tree that I decorated and instead of an angel on the top I put a photo of my family. Did that last year too, made it the best Christmas tree in the world.

apsurdistan christmas.jpg

Was vacuuming a bit, sat down for a smoke and clicked on Steemit to see who's doing what etc etc etc.

Figured I would write a short post about being "Home Alone", the real deal. Although unlike the movie, if any burglars come knocking or snooping around my door, I have all the necessary fireworks to light up the night sky and turn their lights out for good!


So, as I wait for my family back home in Australia to wake up, for me to see the kids open their presents that Father Christmas brought them, I am here with all of you and in a way I don't feel "alone", Steemit has made this time of day OK for me. Can share some things here and know that someone somewhere shall read it, maybe understand where I am coming from, or read it and think "awwww poor SOB" or what ever else.

Lesson learned, 'The little things in life make all the difference', it doesn't take much to make a person feel better and get a smile happening.

Imagine how much better this world would be if we all tried to put one extra smile on one persons face just once a day!
the amount of joy and gratitude, the warmth and the extra amount of GOODNESS that would be around us.

Again, me thinking out aloud.

If i don't post later on today, don't hold it against me, I will be Skyping away and listening to my kids talk about their presents etc etc etc.

Again, wish everyone a very merry Christmas, a lot of love, happiness, wealth and health!



Merry Christmas mate..

Thanks mate, appreciate it, right back at ya, A BIG MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and all your loved ones.

I don't even celebrate Christmas.. but my wife and daughter were meant to touch down in Melbourne tomorrow after being away for 5 weeks, and there was some ridiculous fuck up at the airport and they've missed their flight as a result, and the travel agent has to resolve issues with the airline tomorrow morning. I'm very bummed out.

Dude, that sucks!

Celebrating Christmas or not, the Christmas season does make everyone want to be with their family, it's just the way it is. With all the movies, the things going on around us and the "Ora" so to say!

PS. When I was at highschool we got detention for calling our sports team the "FAR-Q's" , so your user name just made me go back in time and chuckle!

Thanks for that!

Yeah.. was looking forward to having them back.. I guess I'll have to wait another couple of days in this empty house...

And yeah, my username may have a bit of innuendo to it... Not sure how many people pick up on it unless they actually read it aloud..

So are you away for work?

Nahh mate, I'm in Croatia (little country in central/southern Europe) where we used to live, am here til I sell of our house. just one of those things where some plans didn't work out the way we had hoped for and it has drawn itself out too bloody long for anyones liking.

Funny how things work out!

Here's another story about that one, in 2000 there was this ruddy US Air Force Captain i was working with and he was a prankster, a real joker. So one day when he was out at lunch i had to go to his office for something and left a message for him on his desk:

"French Ltc Farque from HQ Commandants office called and wants you to call him back" with a direct number to the HQ Commandants office!

So I told everyone what I did and we all kind of were doing our own thig and watched and listened.... after like three attempts of him trying to say the name he hung up angrily and looked up and saw me at another blokes desk and he yelled out "Jack"....

He gave me an asschewing over it, because "he looked stupid over the phone with the HQ Commandants staff....."

Poor him..... the SOB couldn't handle a taste of his own medicine!


You’ll be with your virtual family on Steemit 😀 Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones too.

I was not able to make it to family this year because I was working so much. First time in 6 years.

Ohhhh God, that sucks, work is something that has cost us all too much, no money on this earth can pay for the moments that we lose with our loved ones.

Dude, hear ya loud and clear.

Wish you a very merry Christmas and remember, the sacrifices we make for our loved ones is worth it, we learn to appreciate what really matters in life.


happy merry christmas..
may GOD bless you..

Thank you, same to you and your loved ones.

You wrote a very interesting post, on my own I want you to wish that at Christmas you forgot about all the problems and everything that disturbs you and in your hearts was good and love, and you were surrounded only by kind and faithful friends and relatives. Next year, let all the plans be realized, I wish further creative growth and the main thing is good health! Merry Christmas!
And of course we are your big vitrual family with you, thank you!

Thanks man, we do learn lessons through out life, usually from our own mistakes, but then again, like you said, there is always next year, will have to make up for it at double time!

Merry Christmas, buddy, you make me feel really lucky because I can be with my family. One never really appreciate what you have until you lose it.

Yep, life is like that, some people, like me, tend to learn from our own experiences. Smart people learn from others experiences and mistakes!

A very merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

Our wish that every Christmas is very good every year ,
Happy Chrismas dear friend @jackmiller

I've had many Christmases where I haven't seen my family, but that was because of living in another state, and alternating between my family and my partner's. We would see my family sometimes a month earlier or later, but would always see her family closer since they were in the state we lived in.

The year after we separated, I wasn't able to travel home to my family for Christmas, and ended up spending the day alone. It was horrible, and not a situation I'll ever be repeating again if I can help it.

I hope you are able to be with your family again soon, though with technology these days you can be close to that anyway, just without the physical presence

pocketsend:11550@jackmiller, Enjoy

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