Jumping The Hoops

in #complain11 hours ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to complain a little bit about how difficult it was trying to sign up for something!


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Jumping The Hoops

Trying to sign my kid up to a site for one of his interests.. man it was brutal how difficult it was! LOL.


My son, like many kids over the last 20 years, has really gotten into Pokemon. I don't mind the enjoyment, because when I was a kid it just came out and I really enjoyed it. I don't think I liked it as much as he does, but those were different times. I try to indulge him as much as I can with these things because they could certainly be far worse things that he has an affinity for such as video games which literally rot children's brains but that is a topic for a different day.

With Pokemon these days, you get the packs and they give you a card in the packs to get additional things on their website. Sadly I was throwing these things away for a while LOL but I finally realized that they could be useful if redeemed online so I started to save them. We have a pretty good stash of the things so he asked me the other day if we could redeem one of them and I said sure! We got onto the website and sure enough, you have to create a damn account to do so..

That meant it was not the time to do it with him right there because I knew it would take some time to do it. I tried to do it tonight and shit, the amount of information these fuckers are requesting for is nuts LOL.


I've had plenty of things in the past where I sign up for something and they ask you like 4 or 5 questions and boom you're good. With the Pokemon website, you have to go through 15 different steps and it STILL failed for me hahaha. I was so annoyed!

Sadly with the way people are these days online, I for sure get it that you want to make sure that you don't expose kids to adults especially if it's over the internet and you have little control over the entire thing. Sure when they are sitting with you it's all good, but when they are on their computer or tablet in the other room.. that's when things can get a little hairy.

Granted I don't let my son use a computer or tablet without being in the same room as me, because the internet is a fucked up place and I don't need him getting exposed to any other shit than what we already do on a daily basis lol. Still with the Pokemon site, having to go through all of those steps and at the end of the day the damn thing still failed it was incredibly frustrating. I had to use one of my alternate email addresses and I think the account got banned or something hahaha which is annoying. Are they mad I'm using a VPN and rejecting their disgusting data harvesting practices? Hard to say but I'm going to try it again tomorrow and see if I can get it to work.. bastards!


What about you, what have you tried to sign up for for your kid(s) and it ended up being way harder than you thought? Let me know in the comments!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Maybe it's for a good reason that the sign up process was a bit complex to deter bad actors from accessing the site. Sophisticated kids will definitely find a workaround for it. I personally tend to give up by default when there's too much friction on the signing up process, unless, I'm super interested on what's really on the other side of the wall :)

There's been a few but I would say signing up the kid intially for NCAA certified AAU tournaments was a pain. A lot details needed and quite a few videos to watch. Also FAFSA was a pain doing online compared to my paper application many years ago. Alll the digital signatures, tax information, net worth information and other things I had to track down. The difference was I was a working adult when I did mine. I think I filled out the paper form in about 30 minutes or so. His was hours and it got rejected several times. The worse was being doing told it was rejected days later.

Depending on how old you kid is they have really cracked down on allowing them to sign up for stuff if they are under 13. I get the reason, but that doesn't make things any less frustrating.