Day 12 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 81.419 SBD

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

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Day 12

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The Contest is at 81.419 SBD now and the prize is growing every day!!!

@byn donated a most generous 20 SBD to the prize!!!!!

Thank you so much @byn - for all you do. As you know, she is one of the people who are making the Freewrite House so much fun for you. Notice the graphics we use? They all are @byn's work!

And she is the woman behind the Freewrite Digest. The latest Volume is out

We are grateful to our contest sponsors

You too can donate to the prize - any amount is welcome. Just transfer with a memo: to 200-day celebration.

SBD will be added to the SBD payout. Steem donations will increase the SBI memberships we give out.

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Eliminated players

I came late to the party today. So, everyone has posted by the time I got here. And I don't want to spent more time before posting to do some research on the exact posting time. So, you all are still in.

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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you already recognize each other's faces.

extra bonus for doing two selfies 😂







See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: travel

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 5/26/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Relevant to my story! (It's about NASA sponsored time travel... does that make the selfie relevant enough?)


Hi I send you some live for being the first t9 suit the entry
Since freewritehouse has voted your, then you are in , I supposed.
Good luck and have fun

Hi @digitalmind, I’m not sure I understand! What happened? haha

Well, hopefully it makes up for the fact that I'm being insanely bad at participating and commenting on everything lately!!!

Very kind gesture @byn thank you. We're here for you if you need us. 🙏

Thank you. I have to say I DO need you guys! This community has helped me in so many immeasurable ways. I want to support it so that other people can discover the awesome inspiration, encouragement and support I've found here.

It's nothing terrible or anything, we're just in a bit of a rough spot and it's taking its toll at the moment. I am also working on several paying jobs outside of steemit and also working on some things outside of the house (as is my husband,) because those pesky finances that require actual money as payment. You know, all the fun grown up stuff that we have to deal with.

I had actually strongly considered just cashing in all of my steem, but I just can't give up on it. I really truly love the community I've found here. The support is wonderful and something I've been missing so much for the last... well, years.

Trying to find ways to give and to help others when I'm feeling really overwhelmed seems to help me feel a bit more solid. I don't know if that even makes any sense, but I need to get out of my own head sometimes.

Also, sheesh, I apparently write way-too-long-overly-sappy-comments when I can't sleep! I guess that's my hint to go to SLEEP! :)

You are loved and appreciated by this community - for sure!!

"And you get an SBI!!"- Oprah (not fake news, Oprah is all about that #steemitlife)

You are a star: you don't need to make up for anything. :)

Well that's a sweet thing to say, but I feel like I'm dropping the ball every which way!

I need to comment more too! I ran low on SP so I avoided it because everyone deserves an upvote! They are all so great!

I try to throw votes out, but I just don't have time at the moment. Its just a bad time that I hope will pass soon!

Yeah , I feel bad commenting and not upvoting, which I need to get over, but my sp runs low all the time lol

Thank you so much for the donation!

Me too. I am running after time most of the time. Commitment and responsibilities are unending. Phew! So wish I could just sit down do nothing but dwell at freewritehouse all the time. lol. Always by the time I rush the daily freewrite sons are calling for help or attention.

I do believe one day we will have that house! I feel you @byn. When it rains it pours!!!

I love the GIF's you've been making for your selfies! Thank you so much for your generous addition to the pot Byn!

You're most welcome :)

Is that what I think it is? A giant …


OMG I love this stupid movie. I am glad I'm not the only one who had that thought!

I thought it was just because I write so much erotica that I had it on the brain.

🤣 mm... 😏

I saw this the other day and my FIRST thought was that is was shaped like cock armor, which seemed very odd for a ladies room sign.


And she is doing a yoga pose ... What a strange thing to have on the bathroom door.

that is great!!!!

It happened! I put the wrong link!

IMG_1253.jpgI wrote a poem (I know, lazy). Anyway, enjoy:

In fact, to come with poem, I use more brain juice than just casual writing. way to go @wordymouth. Looking stylish too .

Wow... Seems like we are on the same channel... Only see your comment after dropping mine.

@iamjadeline True. Poems have that nasty requirement of rhyming. 😍

We love poems!

Heeeeey, poetry isn't lazy. Being succinct is pretty hard ...

@kilbride I see it kind of lazy because with a story I have to think about the whole things, whereas, with a poem I can just lead you to emotions and scenes. But I get your drift: a poem takes me more time. 😍

Am I missing something... does free write usually mean a story? i just heard of it a few weeks ago.. I don't run in any literary circles

no, it means that you write whatever comes to your mind in those five minutes - story, poem, your grocery list - whatever pops up

@kilbride I've said it before: a freewrite is anything that comes to mind. Hemingway used to start the day with a blank sheet in his typewriter and he would just write anything that came to mind. Then he was throw it away. I think sometimes that is the best freewrite because it is spontaneous and rough. Sometimes, my scratches end up as something more much later. And sometimes, I already get a story in my head and just write it.

Writing a poem takes more brain juice than writing normal post... So it's not lazy...

@elizacheng True. But poems seem easier to me, so it's my lazy way of writing a quick freewrite.

Hello everyone! Hope you are looking forward to a great weekend!

Is this party going to go on until Day 400...? I am on holiday from next Thursday, so although I will be doing the freewrites, they may be a day or two late (particularly next weekend because my brother, sister in law and niece are joining us for a few days) so you may all be saying goodbye to my ugly mug at the end of next week: hurrah!!!

Oh, no!
How long is this contest going for anyway? I guess I should have checked that out before getting on board ;)
Sounds like you're going to have fun--happy holiday!

Oh, yeah. How long DOES this go on? Is it just until someone loses? I can't remember either.

It seems to me I read it was for 50 days.

Yeah, last person standing or split between those remaining at day 50 if it goes that far... :)

50 days maximum, or ends before then if only one person left

Doesn't sound so bad then. I was thinking it might be 200 ;)

Wow @byn! Nice. Just nice.

Until I figure out this new contraption of mine, I'll be using my computer camera until I learn how to Bluetooth or something from my phone.

My bike takes me to a lot of places. It is better than traveling on a bus because I can usually beat the bus. - Someone tried to steal this bike a couple of months ago. They ended up busting my frame. I'm hoping I'll make enough here to get me another one soon.


The prompt inspired me to take a day-trip yesterday. :)


My freewrite:

And my selfie:
This is a memento from a cruise we went on a few years ago.

Kids are looking at me like I've lost it.... and I think I have... Instead of packing, I am busy Free Writing...
Help!!! I think I'm addicted


And one more

I put the Lust in
On a shelf
El libro de las islas.

Who wouldn't want to swim with the Devil?
I bet el Diablo doesn't grudge you a little masterbastion

Love it!!! I am sure you would never be held at any border with that picture!!!

I actually snickered a bit as I posted it. Thinking about the look on a custom agent's face if they saw that!

It would be hilarious!!

Why do you have @byn's passport?

I wish my passport photo looked that good!

This cracks me up!

This cracks me up!

Never see this coming. Then they got to check them out to see whether is that you right? lol..

My freewrite:

My selfie. It's been a year since my last tourist travel (in which I took this pic) , need vacations! 😥IMG_20170603_122535.jpg

Planes are pretty good (I hear they serve snacks) but this squirrel prefers to fly on the back of a dragon!

Ah well, I took a selfie on the exact street that sparked my whole freewrite today (although, of course, I didn't know that I would write about it then), relevant enough I hope!
Also, it should be noted I'm making my best traveler face!


Is it your, "Oh, I see what I'm looking for!" face, or is it your "I have no idea where I am!" face??

It's my I have no idea where I am face :) LOL

Good to know!

Free ride anyone? Here is my selfie for travel in a bus for free.

You must read my minutes freewrite about my funny travel experience.

Just finding this now. Looking forward to joining in the future!

Love the selfies!!!!! Now I'm hungry! Thank you @byn for the donation and for all you do in the freewrite community!!!! You are awesome!

Thanks @byn 😊😊😊😊 God bless you .

is the prompt missing from above, or is it me? Mauahahaah

It is missing lol - but you know where to find it :)

Going to fix it just for you lol

no worries, i dug around and found it! :)

Thank you @byn for everything!!!! 😍