Awesome point, well made...
Do not expect everything to change and make way for you, If i remember rightly
Ghandi said...
"you must be the change you want to see in the world"
I probably didn't remember the quote exactly right, but I agree with the principle wholeheartedly.
If you want a happier world, be a happier person, that change can radiate outwards and make things better, 1 person at a time.
Enjoyable, thankyou :)
You got it exactly right bro... and perfect! Thanks so much for being so interactive and reading other people's posts too :)
With Love
Hart Floe Poet
I genuinely believe that reading the posts and the work of others helps us to grow too!
By knowing the things that touch us, things that speak to us, sometimes things we may not have thought of we have the ability to become better in our work, In the world.
Creating this group will have more of a profound effect on some people than you will probably ever even realise. Coming together and encouraging, giving tips to each-other we can grow together and become better.
Another thing that we often don't think of is that sometimes an encouraging word may come at just the right time for someone. Everyone needs to know that their work has been appreciated at sometime by somebody, and some may quit, feeling they are toiling in obscurity.
I hadn't wrote a poem in a good 10 years before I joined Steemit and happened across a cool-dude named Hartfloe and even though it may make me sound a bit "daft" (I am), I'm having a whale of a time writing now!
So thankYOU.
What I would say to everyone here is keep on keeping on, have FUN, get better at your craft and make friends, your work matters, even when ya think it doesn't, it is making the world a better, more beautiful place one word at a time.
Footnote...You may have noticed my terrible punctuation and misplaced/missing commas at times. I break every grammatical law ever created from time to time. I never learned punctuation, but I don't let it worry me too much. I say what I want people to hear as best as I can. I can't paint, draw, sculpt, create digital images and that kinda thing. To be honest, I am still learning to format my posts here lol. I use what I have to the best of my ability. The people it is meant to speak to will hear it.
When I say I use my words...I never use ten when ten thousand will do haha.
I guess what I'm saying to everyone here is, forget the rules, do as best as you can...Rebels don't need rules, right? haha.
Image from the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.