
Maybe you should start small and work your way up. You could probly fund your Uber car much easier. And right now I bet dealers right in your state will give you teh red carpet treatment if you buy some of the 2016 leftovers sitting on dealer lots. I bet you could buy a 2016 vehicle that retailed for $30K for half that right now. ...if you pick one of the ones they want gone the most. I bet any dodge dealer that has a 2016 Chrysler 200 left would give you a free stripper pole when you walk out the door if you bought one of those. ...AND throw in the stripper! :O That's how badly that want those 200's and darts gonzo. I'll make the dealer calls and get you the best price. And I charge ALOT less to negotiate for you than the crypto anal-ysts who were still telling the locals to buy bitcoin at $2500+...or Steem at $1.20+..some of those guys charge $275/hr?!! For what? To tell you that you should always be ready for an ass kicking even though you don't think you deserve one? :-)