Should there be a site that allows people to rate media members for how credible their content is?

in #crowdini7 years ago

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Should there be a site that allows people to rate media members for how credible their content is?

No (7%)

Yes (92%)

Note: We give all voters the option to answer “Why did you choose this answer?” after voting. All comments made at are shown below as comments to this post. I hope you will respond and debate these results in the comments.

Current Game

  • Game: May Gray
  • Length: May 21, 2018 - Jun 03, 2018
  • Prize Pool: 45.0 SBD
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  • Bonus: 100 points. If a question is labeled Bonus the players who choose the answer that actually happens will earn an extra 100 points.
  • Prizes: (All prizes paid in SBD)
    • First Prize - 50% of the prize pool
    • Second Prize - 25% of the prize pool
    • Third Prize - 15% of the prize pool
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      • First, Second and Third place winners not eligible for 100% Prize.

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I answered

It should be based off real fact checking. Not like Yelp where any idiot can leave a bad review for some imagined slight.

I answered

the average person has no basis for knowing how credible media reporting is. THat would be like allowing the public to determine how credible scientific findings are. What would their ratings be based on? This is yet another attempt to demonize the free press and it is both disgusting and dangerous. It is the first step towards the destruction of a free press. "Freedom of conscience, of education, of speech, of assembly are among the very fundamentals of democracy and all of them would be nullified should freedom of the press ever be successfully challenged." -FDR

I answered

i feel like review systems are mostly worthless now. they are spammed by bots and scorned lovers.

I answered

there are too many fake news, so maybe this will be something to lower such amount of fake news... maybe

I answered

Yes to much fake news

I answered

I don't trust a single word coming from ABC, CBS, or NBC news reporters. No accountability for anything they say! 🖕

I answered

It would need a tight system, so that bots and trolls don't overwhelm amazing reporters. Identification verification would be nice.

I answered

Then there's got to be another site to rate THAT site on its credibility.

I answered

How do we control how credible the ratings would be?

See @foomandr's comment. :)

I answered

I can't see how it would hurt, could only help.

I answered

It would be a good attempt to inform others of what they may not know about the media but I can see it being very politically divisive.

I answered

Sure, why not. But I wouldn't expect it to be very reliable, given how politically biased so many people are nowadays.

I answered
It needs a lot of norms and standards to make a proper review,,,