Hey Dan ( @dantheman ).
Thanks for the response. We highly value your opinion! Our team has had extensive discussion about exactly what you describe, and the efficacy of both models, along with extensive experience with using the existing DPoS voting in practice, as well as how it can be gamed. We are inclined to think you were not wrong in your initial support for a voting system similar to our model. We would love to discuss it in more detail. We see this approach as a move sideways into testing a counter hypothesis, and would love feedback much like the above as we move forward into testing.
We are currently less than 24 hours from the start of our Token Exchange Campaign, so a more in depth response will have to come later, but we would love to reach out if you have a method that we could use to get in touch, or if you want to get in touch with us, you can contact our MD via [email protected] .
Thanks again for taking the time to respond, we know you are a very busy man!
The Ark Team