
Interesting content! Totally agree with you. Remember: cash is a position.

I think everybody should get the hell out of stocks asap. Usually stock markets crash every 7 years. Now it has been 10 years since the last collapse. And debts are much higher than in 2008!

Stocks are a good buy when you want to diversify, but wait a little while for that crash and buy the dip ;-)

Absolutely! And I feel like the economy never really recovered from 2008. The cracks were just papered over with cheap debt.

Indeed! What would be interesting to see is when a few trillion of the stock market flows into the crypto market as soon as the status quo will see crypto as a position ;-)

When you say the economy has not recovered you are absolutely right and it is the ordinary person in the street who has suffered and paid the price. However the fact remains that if you had invested in the S&P via a tracker or ETF in 2009 and held you would now be sitting on a very healthy profit.

the internet of money, which is the next step in the evolution of money.Interesting question you answered here @louisthomas. Stocks kindof never caught my attention and there is a lot of bureaucratical and institutional overhead for investing, thus investing in stock never appealed to me. And now we got crypto, which to me is an amazingly interesting combination of finance/money, and technology. So I see even fewer reasons to invest in stocks. As far as the idea & the technology of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies goes, I am totally on team A. Antonopoulos and see a huge potential for this technology/idea to disrupt things on a huge scale. It truly is

What about the crypto stocks? i.e. Altcoins?

I think a diversified portfolio is always better. I have done crypto currencies and investments in blockchain technology companies. They have the same volatility. So speaking about investing in crypto´s and blockchain technology is not diversified. You can also invest in companies that relate to crypto, like mastercard or invest in technology ETFS´s like ARK WEB. Let me know what you think about it.

That's a double no imo, stocks are so goddamn overbought, crypto-related plays especially so.

I disagree. I am a marco-economic based value investor. I look at companies that lift on certain trends and are so strong marketshare because of a strong coating in a certain area. Companies like Amazon, Aphabet (Google), McDonalds, Microsoft, Mastercard have such a strong place in the current market that I believe they will only grow and never dissapear. If you want to reed more about my pics. Have a look at my feed.

Well I am a polo-nomic investor. Those companies are leaders in their fields, and most of them have very strong balance sheet and huge cash reserves, but their equity price is still susceptible to volatility when the credit crunch causes investors to flee to safety.

Value investors have time. I am not looking for profits on a daily basis. I tried day trading, but it is not my thing.

Value investors do have longer time horizons but statistically investments do better when risk is minimized during key time periods or huge shifts in macro conditions/sentiment, yield inversion/high rates is def one of those events.

youtube is dead

Very interesting question you pose here. Despite the fact that stock markets are probably rigged by a combination of central bank intervention, quantative easing and algorithmic trading it is an established model that "kind of works", can generate capital growth and dividend income for investors and is regulated. Crypto by contrast IHMO is still speculative and will be so until real world use cases drive mass adoption and people actually transact using crypto. Consequently I would consider adopting a pragmatic approach and spread your risk by investing both in the "old world" instruments such as stocks and property (but NOT bonds) and the brave new world of crypto.

don't you think it can go either way , any market can crash and burn

One thing I have learned is that don't forget to take marginal profits unless you have studied so much about something and you totally believe in that. In my case I had some gains from ripple and tron but i purchased them not seeing the long term perspective so cashed out majority of the profit and I don't see anything wrong in that.

sell stocks, buy crypto ;)

"Do you think it's a good idea to invest in stocks as a way to diversify outside of crypto?" HELL NO!!! The wheels are about to come off the stock market over 2018. Side step that minefield.