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RE: Are We Masters of Our Own Destiny or Influencers?

in #destiny7 years ago

Well, i think your emotions, beliefs and thoughts create your reality... like a matrix.
Check out the Law of Attraction, and say and speak always your thruth... (it's a daily practice)... you have a compass that is guiding you always right...its your Intuition, you habe to use it...ask it questions and it will respond (i sometimes don't ask, because i am affraid of the answer.... but if i dont listen to it i go into a downward spiral.
Life is energy and energy does not lie...!)

If think it is possible to control and shape reality the way you want, but it is like mastering an instrument... and you have to learn how to visualise in yout head and mind, and let the emotions create your mirror reality... if you create from love you will like it