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RE: Is There a Difference Between "the Left" and "the Right"?

in #dtube5 years ago

Your right dude, there called demopublicans they have been around pretty much my whole life or at least the last 55 years . There is no difference between them. This club has made a very strong and fortified force. As we call it the deep state. There are just as many Republicans as there are Democrats that are in the CLUB. It's just the Republicans are in the White House, and the retarded Democrats are pissed that they are not in the WH.

. The real kool part is we got us a business man in the most powerful office of the world. And we have a lot of people kicking ass . And Draining the swamp! What we got to do is get term limits. Then the knuckle heads we put in from now on they can only screw things up for one term. Government should be for duty and go back to your life after your term. Not a lifetime retirement plan. I don't think the founding fathers plan it that way. Good work and keep on keeping on!


Yep, the left & right are just blue & red boots worn by the same giant psychopath. Every 8 years they switch parties in charge, and half the population stops being upset that the exact same shit is happening, because now at least their team is winning. Such silliness.