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RE: Reaching Out To New Steemians/Dtube's Strong Community/Starbucks | Vlog 9

in #dtube7 years ago

Yeah, I honestly feel like we would connect real well in person haha. I do meditate, and the second question is tough cause I feel like I have confidence, it's more so building skills to reach my goals. So the skill I'm working on is creating a online personality ;)


That's awesome to hear that you meditate!

I also meditate every morning for 20 minutes and it's really amazing how much it affects you!

What are your goals btw? (if I may ask)

Winny out...for now ;)

My massive goal is to create projects around the world to empower people to live their truest life. My current goal: Make sure I have everything packed and ready to go for my flight on Monday haha

Brooo!!!! Holy cow man!!! Your goal is soooooooo very similar to mine!! That is all what Mynd Now is about! You know what Mynd stands for? Make Your New Destiny. Everyday people say that they are destined to do this and not their dream, which is exactly why I want to show them that THAT is not true, which is why these 3 words came to existence: CONVICTION, CONSISTENCY, TAKE ACTION!

I would really really love to have you collaborating with me on my channel because you are what the channel is about!

Anyway, I just got over excited there :D

Have a safe trip brother! :)

Winny out...for now ;)

PS: Since the 2nd of January I released every single day a video on the channel Mynd Now on Youtube. Currenly, it's mostly about meditation and how to be productive, but later down the road, meaning in a month or so (because I have every video scheduled) I also have video where I'm doing cold approaches :) Yes, the very first time I actually approached a girl will also be revealed :)