Hey @africa good to see another League player here. I'd love to see more League content :D. Shyvana's OP in jungle imo. My summoner's name is pusheen0saurus and I play in NA server, unranked atm, but mostly hover over Silver tier. If I may suggest an idea, I'd love to see some off-meta gameplay (current metas can be boring sometimes lol) such as full AD Blitzcrank jungle w/ whatever runes you want ..preferably w/ Dark Harvest lol. Thinking bout it just makes me laugh cuz the Harvest stacks and 1 auto attack from Blitz can possibly one shot an enemy xD .
Another game I'd like to see you play is Dark Souls. Because the epic fail invades are funny as hell lol.
Lastly, I see that you just began learning about video montages, if I can make a suggestion, check out @defc0n1. He does League montages and its on his dtube. I know him personally and I'm sure he can answer any questions that you may have regarding making a video montage.
Best of luck to you! Upvoted and resteemed! Have a good day