Idle or worse whale antics! Best wishes on this catching momentum..I am only a somewhat familiar character to but a few whales here and they're very much active or at least antagonists...
Posted using Partiko Android
Idle or worse whale antics! Best wishes on this catching momentum..I am only a somewhat familiar character to but a few whales here and they're very much active or at least antagonists...
Posted using Partiko Android
There's only so much the few that are active can do. When we start getting more users it might not be pretty. I think we'd retain more users if they all were as active as some of the whale accounts.
Yep, I tend to agree, though having only been around since the exodus of many of the OG whales/orcas I don't have much experience to draw from. I'm less than 6 months old.. But, I've seen some good sh@t slinging...
Posted using Partiko Android