I've been posting high quality short cooking videos on YouTube since April, 2016. I invested thousands of dollars into my channel including a Canon Rebel t6, a Samson USB microphone, and leasing and paying monthly for the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite to edit my videos. I also paid thousands of dollars to advertise my videos on Google AdWords and various social media.
I was temporarily demonetized last year when they changed their monetizarion requirements so users must have at least 10,000 lifetime watch minutes in order to be monetized. I had to pay Google AdWords for views to get monetized again. Now I need 1000 subscribers. I only have 163 right now. I could do sub for sub groups and possibly get 1000 fake subscribers who aren't interested in my videos and will probably unsubscribe and make my channel look bad to their AI. Even if I do so, they're probably just going to change the rules again and make it even more difficult to monetize.
As much money as I've put into my channel, I have not received one penny for my hard work. They only pay out when your revenue is $100. I'm a long way from my first $100. During the past month, I've noticed a huge, HUGE increase in organic views and revenue. It all makes sense because knew my channel would be demonetized and instead of them receiving 45% of the ad money on my videos, they will profit the entire 100%. Now think of how many other channels are in the same situation and obviously it's a scam for huge profit.
At this point I think I'm done with that site. Google has been known for shady business practices, and they've been sued for click fraud before. It's very possible I have a lot more subscribers than they're showing me.
I am going to continue making videos. I now have 2 choices. I can either continue uploading onto YouTube and embed my videos into recipe blogs here on steemit, or I can use my YouTube channel to promote steemit and upload all my future videos on DTube. I think I will be doing the latter. I was going to upload longer videos on YouTube and edit down shorter format videos for DTube, but now I think I'm going to do something inbetween and make moderate size videos for DTube since watch time doesn't matter. For now I will be making blog posts of my existing YouTube videos and embed them on steemit rather than uploading all my past videos into the blockchain.
My YouTube channel.
I am going to check out and sub to your Youtube channel. I am also on Youtube. It is a shame what they are doing. My suggestion would be...don't quit either one. Keep making the videos. I was uploading some of my vids to Dtube but they were not doing very well and they were taking 25% (JMO is high). I think other youtubers will be searching alternatives and trying out Dtube. I don't know what the answer is...if there is one. I wish you the best. You have my support.
Google has proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted. They take 45% of ad revenue from monetized channels. With this latest demonetization, I think more and more people will be less inclinded of being at the mercy or big corporate Google and choose to be decentralized. I already edited the bios of all my social media accounts to direct traffic to my steemit blog and no longer to my YouTube channel.
Of course I could continue uploading on YouTube and embed them here along with the recipe. I don't know what to do to be honest.
Also, I've read that some whales don't like youtubers just embedding their videos here. What do you think? @dtube
At first I was uploading my YT vids to DT unedited. I know the whales do not like it so then I reedited my YT vids (the ending screen mainly) to highlight Steemit. Here is my last DT video and you can see the ending. I messed up whenever I edited and forgot to include the music! LOL! This only took me 5 minutes to reedit/revise. I am not sure what editing program you are using. I use Cyberlink PowerDirector .
I use Adobe Premiere.
Do they dislike embedding YouTube videos into your steemit posts like I did on my first post?
I don't know but I do that all the time....actually most of my posts. I include a lot of photos and state the video recipe is below which directs them to my YT channel. I have seen an increase in views on my YT channel so it seems to be a win win situation and I'm not paying the 25%. JMO for now. My views may change. I just think Dtube has some improving to do.
Absolutely a good idea, your rewards will also be better.
Best regards
Do you mean if I upload new videos to DTube or keep uploading them on YouTube and embed them in my posts on steemit?
directly on DTube, much better, you can upload your vids on youtube anyway
My original plan was to upload videos about 5 minutes long on YouTube and editing the same videos down to about 1 1/2 minutes on DTube. Now that I'm demonetized on YT, I really don't know what to do. I was thinking of just using YT to upload 20 second previews of my DT videos and link it. I could also keep uploading on YT until I meet the monetization requirements but I don't trust Google Inc. at all.
Yes, maybe a good idea, try out DTube, you won't be disappointed
Yeah. I'm just gonna use my existing YouTube channel as advertisements for DTube/Steemit. Count my losses and move on. I might be able to sue Google because I paid to promote my videos with AdWords under totally different monetization terms.
I think there is a possibility with google adwords to promote Dtube channels aswell