I hear you about not wanting to conform to rituals and I was sort of against them until I realized that I needed my morning ritual to get myself out of bed and well prepared to meet the kids who are in my Pre-K class but I always remain flexible and this serves me well. Maybe your morning wake up routine is a ritual in a sense, for I'm sure it gets your day off to a good start.
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So true - and I think J. is worse without a cuddle and a cuppa in the morning too - he gets a bit miffed if I'm up and off down the beach without that little ritual - he says it throws his day out!
Yep! It's always good to start your day off with a cuddle! Do you live right by the beach on the ocean? That is another one of the places I'd love to live besides living in the forest. Something very soothing about the rhythm of the waves.