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RE: Gender Bender

in #equality8 years ago (edited)

What an entertaining, great read!

And the subject matter you chose to cover is one I feel quite passionately about. First things first, I'm a traditionalist and if I'm used to a character being a certain way and having unique attributes that relate back to MY OWN PERSONAL memories, I don't want that changed just for the sake of "tokenism". That being said, I've not got a problem at all with the latest "Who" being a woman as it is part of the embodiment of that character.

An alien who can take on any form it chooses. And I've seen all the hatred directed towards this sensitive topic as well.

But in this "politically correct" world we live in, filled with SJW's wagging their scrawny fingers in your face about how the order of things should be, I choose a simple, yet effective way to avoid such confrontation. That is... choose not to engage them. Simple, right? They live according to their rules and I will mine. I believe people make a conscious "choice" to actually be offended. In fact, I feel that if your stance doesn't fit in line with their strict lifestyle, that's something to be embraced, not lauded. It shows people are different and someone's right will inversely be another person's wrong. That's freedom of expression and us exercising our god-given right.

However, forcing opinions down people's throat seems to be the way of the current trend however I "choose" not to be a part of it. If I feel my opinions may cause offence, I "choose" not to partake in that particular area of conversation. Thinking before speaking has served me well for many years and should continue to do so.

But yes, there will always be the baying mob, out to make a difference and attempting to change every detail possible to re-create a perfect world. And I say good luck to them. But in the same vein, life is only so long and our voices will only ever have a limited reach. Scream and shout all you want I say, but the world will keep on turning long after we're gone. Only with a new set of problems and a brand new set of differing opinions. Recycling at it's finest.

Beautiful post, my bro. You're on fire and doing great!


Oh man, you echo my sentiment so effectively, brother! Choosing not to engage them is the best course of action for sure. It's like talking to a brick wall in terms of convincing them to change their minds. There's a time and place, and a much more civilized approach to go about what they set out to do. They just "chose" to be more hostile, I guess.

As much as possible, I wanted to avoid discussing this, but I just kept seeing ignorant bullshit in my feeds, I just had to vent in some way. You know, in a way, I'm glad nobody of those types engaged in this. I really don't have the energy (or care) to argue regarding this, I just wanted to say that compassion is the key to resolve that tangled mess.

Thanks for sharing your meaty thoughts, brother! I truly appreciate it :D