In the same spirit, we have decided to award a Certificate of disdain to Near East University as the most disgusting University in the world.
Copies of both Certificates have been sent to both Universities, we have also copied over 400 persona and corporate bodies, these include but not limited to Students, Agents and Partners of both Universities, Government bodies, Media Houses and lot more.
Feel free to request for Hard copies and we will post them to you for free.
Let this also serve as a warning to every other University on the Inland, most of the students we are fighting for are now Student in your University, most of which are started afresh after having spent 4-10 year at Near East University without graduating, treat them like shit and we will come for your heads, this is not a threat, this is a promise, you can't take this to the bank.
The protest hasn't even started, we will crumble Near East University if they don't heed to our six demands as stated on our online petition. By the time we are done with Near East University, what President Trump did to Turkey will be a child's play compared to the damages we will cost.The rate at which Near East University Students transferred to #CyprusInternationalUniversity this Semester is overwhelming. One out of every ten #CIU student is a transferred student from #NearEastUniversity. We are glad that more and more Students are beginning to realize that Near East University is nothing but a Scam.
As a token of appreciation, we the entire students of Near East University has decided to issue a Certificate of appreciation to Cyprus International University as the most International Students friendly University in #Northern #Cyprus, Kudos to you guys.
We will meet you guys in court soon.
NB: We need more emails to buy, if you have to sell, do not hesitate to write us.
We also need the Services of #Graphic #Designers, #Web #Developers, #Cartoonist and #Social #Media #Influencers, if you can render any of this services at little or no cost, write us.
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#Together, we will put a #permanent end to this #Injustice.
Yours in Service,
Concern Near East University Students
CC: Near East University
and other law enforcement bodies and Activist
#NationalAssembly, #FederalRepublicofNigeria;
#Inter-American #Court of #Human #Rights;
#International #Federation of #Human #Right;
#European #Court of Human Right;
#Human Rights #Watch;
#Office of the #UnitedNations #High #Commissioner for Human Rights;
#Reporters #without #Borders;
#InternationalService for Human Rights;
#The #British #Broadcasting #Corporation;
#Cable #News #Network;
#University #regulatory #bodies,
#International Students right bodies,