in #food8 years ago

Asam Keueng Aceh ( KEUENG ACID)

Asam Keueng, this dish has long been my craving since seeing how it looks on one web page. You must know that if you are dealing with fish dishes or fish sauce with spicy and sour taste fresh, I certainly can not again stem the desire when trying it. I do not know how many different recipes with characters like this I'm publishing, and the more diverse I find new variants of my admiration with the culinary richness of the homeland became increasingly becoming. If only we could like Thailand or The philipines diverse legendary food abroad then countless types of Filipino cuisine can compete with the country's rivals.

Although I've long been Want but the opportunity when trying it only happened a few days ago yesterday. This is because one of the typical spices that sunti acid just finished I made last week. If you are curious about sunti acid, you can read the information and the process of making it posted before me here. This unique spice is a compulsory spice in Aceh cuisine and ever since I featured it on the weblog, I received some very helpful comments when utilizing the sunti acid to be more leverage.

Curry leaves, sunti acid and fresh wuluh starfruit

Asam Keueng is one of the typical Aceh cuisine look and it actually feels similar to the padeh acid curry in Padang. The difference in padeh acid, red chili composition is quite diverse so that the appearance of the sauce looks red smoldering. For Asam Keueng though spicy and sour taste also but using the portion of turmeric so that the color look yellowish. Another difference in the type of acid used, generally padeh acid using kandis acid is made in fruit plant Garcinia xanthochymus dried, sunti acid is made in the fruit of star fruit wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi). In terms of taste then sunti acid gives the acidic taste is softer, unique and not as sharp as acid in kandis acid. I myself prefer the sour taste generated by sunti acid, because although we put quite a variety into the cuisine yet drastically make the taste of the dish too sour. In addition to the use of sunti acid, asam keueng cuisine also uses a spice leaf called curry leaves or Bay leaf. This leaves give a distinctive fragrance of soft curry to make your tamarindic cuisine more special. Information about this spice leaf you can click on the weblink here.

Asam Keueng means spicy nano-nano, spicy salty acid into one in a yellowish sauce. Not only fix on the fish you can better, the shrimp was delicious when processed in this way. Generally the people of Aceh use clay pots when cooking them but with a frying pan (like I use) remains delicious. Hmm, maybe this is because I have never tasted asam keueng cooked with a clay pot.

To make it spelled out very easy, the hardest part may be only on two spice herbs used the sunti and koja salam leaves I think not easy to find in every region. I myself was fortunate enough that the star fruit of wuluh diligent fruitful and neighbors planted a curry tree loaded with leaves. All herbs are quite mashed and cooked together with fish and water. Although without coconut cooking this when it has cooked the sauce is quite thick and rich in flavor. Eaten with a plate of boiled hot rice then it is guaranteed all headaches and pressure vanishing with sour and spicy flavor.

Interested when trying it? Here's the recipe yes.

Asam Keueng Aceh

Recipe adapted on the weblog Small Note - Keueng Udeung Acid

For 4 servings

Interested in other sour spicy recipes? Please click on the weblink below:

Spicy Acid Fish Kuwe

Spicy Acid Seafood Soup with Pineapple

Milkfish Pindang Serani


- 1 big snapper fish about 1 kg, cut into 5 parts. Can use milkfish, tuna, catfish or other types of fish.

- 1 tablespoon salt

- 1 orange juice, squeeze the water

Spices are smoothed:

- 10 pieces of red pepper

- 10 pieces of green chili pepper

- 6 cloves of red onion

- 5 cloves of garlic

- 2 segments of turmeric fingers

- 2 segments of ginger finger

- 1 teaspoon coriander, powder

- 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder

Other spices:

- 3 grains of red onion, thinly sliced

- 3 curry leaf or greetings koja, release on the middle bar (information about curry leaves please click weblink here)

- 6 acid sunti (click here if information about sunti acid)

- 5 fruit starfruit vegetables, cut along 1 cm

- 1/2 tablespoon salt

- 1 teaspoon of powdered broth

- 700 ml of water

- 2 tablespoons oil when sauteing

How to make:

Prepare the fish, scalp and fill the contents of his stomach. Clean wash. Give 1 tablespoon of salt and lime juice. Spread the surface of the fish with salt and orange juice, let stand for 15 minutes. Then wash thoroughly, drain.

Put the fish in the bowl, coat the fish with a fine spice until smooth, let stand for 5 minutes.

Prepare a skillet, give 2 tablespoons of cooking oil. Saute onion and curry leaves until fragrant smell and onion become brownish. Enter the fish with its marinade. Add water, sunti acid, Starfruit vegetables, salt and powdered broth. Stir well.

Cover the pan and cook over low heat until the fish is cooked and the sauce thickens. Taste the taste, add salt if less acid and ready to serve with hot white rice.