My partner and I are mostly supporting our country, Australia. This has brought about a great deal of shopping on line to get dried products that are grown in Australia. I have been disappointed by one of the companies no longer doing an on line service. There is one product that I am having problems sourcing from other retailers.
I must admit that in the next few months my on line purchases will decline as we are about to move to another state and I don't want to waste any food.
I am a cooking in bulk person. I cook my triple chocolate muffins from scratch, with around 18 different ingredients. Shop muffins don't have that complexity. Dinner for the week nights is also from the freezer and I just need to add the bread and salad ingredients. Most nights I prepare a salad for lunch the next day. When my partner works nights, he takes something I have cooked for him.
I steer away from processed food. The closer to the natural state the better in my book.
8 ) infinity happiness
Yes....I am in Australia too. Central Queensland. Where are you moving to? Sounds like you have a good routine and are organised. Thanks for sharing
We are moving to the area around Childers or Gin Gin. Like the country side around that area.
8 ) infinity happiness
Oh yes... I know that area. I am in Emerald at the moment. Good luck with the move
Thank you.
8 ) infinity happiness