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RE: German Bread - The German Soul

in #food8 years ago

In Germany we say this is toastbread and won’t touch it until we have finished baking it in the toaster.

My father sometimes eats untoasted toastbread and I always scold him for that :D

Germans still say they prefer the bread from the baker

I dislike the dominance of franchises, tho. They also get half baked bread (most Brötchen) or stuff that was baked somewhere else.

added potato or carrot.

yeah I like some carrot flakes in my bread and i also like carrot cake :D. I only ate potato breadies (Kartoffelbrötchen) and it was pretty damn delicious, it was even from a gas station - probably half baked originally- and it was really good.

the wonderful, nay heavenly Bratwurst!

yeah and I am pretty sure the hot dog is just a cheap copy of that. same for burger and Frikadellenbrötchen , I have to admit tho, a good burger is an upgrade to our concept.


Never heard that word in my life to be honest

There is no way you could have your evening meal without bread.

We actually dont have a lot of Bread Time in my family, but that would explain the emptiness I feel inside me xD


Good point

„Klassische Senfwürze“ wurde als Wassermaische angesetzt; bis zur gewünschten Konsistenz wurde dann mit Wasser – ggf. unter Zusatz von Essig, Wein und/oder Most - aufgefüllt.
Mostrich und Tafelsenf wurden als Essigmaische angesetzt und mit Wasser (Mostrich) oder Essig (Tafelsenf) aufgefüllt.

Traubensaft statt Essig? OK. Wir haben anscheinend in Düsseldorf auch Senfspezialitäten von denen ich noch nie gehört habe