I Will Survive: My Food Haul

in #foodie5 years ago (edited)

I took this photo (below) months ago so as to write a blog post about it, but shame took over; I didn't share this.

I'm taking a class called "Getting Ahead". This class is designed to help those in poverty find their way out. Because of "GA" (Getting Ahead) I've become more open with my situation.

To be honest, I was hardly aware of the reality of my situation for most of my life. I knew that I came/come from a poor family and social circle but that was my norm. Until it wasn't.

When I climbed myself out of extreme poverty into middle class, crashing back into poverty was extremely obvious.

At first it was desolate, frightening, and hopeless. I knew of the many local resources buy hadn't utilized them. I was in denial. I, the shopaholic, makeup, fake nails, fake lashes, fake tan, extra days off work to drink wine and swim in the pool kind of woman, didn't need free things from anyone.

Pride was my mistake.

Pride is the biggest mistake of most people in property- especially those shifting from middle class. When resources are available and one allows their pride to deny help they are only postponing the possibility of climbing back to comfort.

I've learned to accept and welcome the resources that are shockingly plentiful in Kingston Ontario. I'm no longer ashamed but proud of my ability to adapt and survive.

My city has free food sources scattered everywhere.

There's food shelves filled with free fresh food from local stores that have over stocked, local farmers, and an organization called Loving Spoonfuls that has small patches of food gardens throughout town that's specifically for people in need.

I'd like to list all of the great places to go and share this blog with local groups, but with so many to list I'll save that for another article.

On July 7th I walked through town and gathered food. I wasn't without money but wanted to manage what finances I did have. This is a photo of my "haul" that day- I only went to 3 stops. What isn't seen in the photo is appx $40 worth of toiletries and at least $150 in designer clothing (which I don't actually need but I'm a clothing fanatic).

The following day, I went to the grocery store and thanks to the beautiful food haul the previous day (ps. That food tastes 100000 times better than what I get at a grocery store) I was able to buy other items that wouldn't have been possible that week.

Accepting local resources enables me to give my daughter a more comfortable life.

  • we dress better for less
  • we are able to go to the cinema occasionally
  • if she wants a treat I'm able to provide that by saving in other areas
  • the food from local gardens is much more delicious and healthy
  • I'm active and walk around town
  • I meet lots of wonderful and unique people
  • I NEVER have to worry that we cannot eat--- that's completely impossible.
  • we can go bowling, mini-putt, and other activities if I decided to find ways to save that week.

Here's a photo of the salad for dinner that I made with the food gathered on July 7th.

I'm not good at taking photos with this old tatteted phone but dinner that night looked and tasted even better than my photos. Perhaps it tasted so good because it was free?

But, was it free?

One thing is certain, it was delicious and I was proud of my gatherings. ☺ 💗

#Canada #canadian #poverty #haul #iwillsurvive #notbackingdown

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maybe we enjoy what we get today. Photos of fresh fruit that you display look good.

Thank you friend.

Posted using Partiko Android