How crazy that the person didn’t help. Even if he/ they couldn’t physically- they could have gone to find help...
Posted using Partiko iOS
How crazy that the person didn’t help. Even if he/ they couldn’t physically- they could have gone to find help...
Posted using Partiko iOS
@fitinfun I know it makes me think what have people become when they won't stop for a sunk boat, no fish is that important. This is minor but still ruffles my feathers, for as long as there have been boats when you pass another boat you wave and they wave back, but in the last ten years people do not wave back, it is like they have tunnel vision, they are headed to where ever and see nothing until they get there.
@mariannewest there are no excuses for someone that does not stop and help a sunk or even a broke down boat. He was just an ass.