Free write Saturday Prompt Option

in #freewrite6 years ago

Most young fishermen got jobs and some our age got jobs, Two of friends got a job where they still work on the river. Last Thursday they were headed to the boat ramp when they saw a bunch of shit floating in the water, then they realized it was things from a sunk boat, so they followed the debris and saw someone waving a throw cushion and holding onto a sunk boat. They pulled up to a very large man and asked if he was ok and if anyone else was with him, he said his wife was but she floated away, they told him he was safe hanging onto the boat and he was wearing a life jacket, they said they would be back for him but were going to get his wife first. They found her, she also had a lifejacket on, they said she was laying on her back just drifting along. They got her in the boat and went back for the man, they said they had a hard time getting him in the boat, he weighed somewhere between 300 to 400 pounds. After getting him in the boat they got his boat back floating and pulled it to the ramp for the guy. They asked what happened, and the man told them that he just bought the motor and was the first trip out with it, he said he let go of the tiller handle to reach for something, while up running and when he did this, the motor turned and threw him and his wife overboard. Luckily the guy was wearing the safety shut off device, it is a clip you hook to yourself and if you get thrown overboard, it shuts the motor down. It could have been terrible if he was not wearing that device. How the boat sunk was he tried to climb back in it and when he grabbed the corner of the stern to pull himself up, the corner went under and the boat sunk. The man also said a guy in a flats boat drove on by them and did not stop to help, I can not imagine doing something like that. My friends told him what he needed to do to save his motor after getting it home. Many years ago my husband and I were at the fish house and saw an old man get thrown out of his boat, the boat was doing circles around the man getting closer each time, he was wearing waders and could not stand up because the filled with water. My husband jumped in his boat and threw the end of his net overboard then ran his net in front of the boat letting the mans motor get wrapped up in the net and it stalled the engine, made a mess out of our net but saved the old man from getting hit by the prop. This is my post for #freewrite Saturday prompt option, I am not sure if option is the prompt or if it means I have the option of what to write about, I will use it as my prompt.... In 1995 Florida passed a net ban, which forever changed fisherman's lives. We had 2 options one was to quit the only life you have known and get a different job the other was to learn new ways to fish and be good enough at it to make a living. The older fishermen were just screwed, they were not willing to learn and they were to old for anyone to hire them. The owner of the fish house I sell to was in his 70's, he fished every day of his life except Sundays or bad weather. After the net ban he never went back on the river, it was so sad.


Those guys were lucky someone helped them finally. Uncle Bruni would've helped. 👍

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What a story. I wonder if there are safety jackets for people that big. It sounds to me the man did know what he was doing allthough his weight prevented him to safe himself.

Good the friends went for the wife first. Somehow it felt as if the man gave up on her.

You never know why people let someone drown or not give a hand. I wonder if one person is is able to lift a huge guy like that. Well, your friends managed and they are heroes and so is your husband.

PS, for the weekendfreewrite you have the option to pick a prompt out of the long list of over 500 prompts given by @mariannewest. Who knows "option* is also in it or one of the other words you used.

Wish you a great 🌞day and ☘with fishing.

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@wakeupkitty by law you have to have a life jacket to hold you up, he had one on so he was doing right, It was his first day out and did not know not to let go of the tiller handle. I think first-time boater should have to take a class on what not to do. As for the guy who ignored them, he will need help one day and someone like him will drive on by.

You are right some lessons are needed and this man won't forget this lesson.

I really hope that guy will never need help.

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I can't even begin to imagine how anyone could not help someone in trouble.
Thank goodness you and your husband were there...!!!!!♡
:D @myjob

@annephilbrick it was our friends that work on the river, they came across the sunk boat. They are x fishermen. Very good guys. Not like the A-hole that drove on by.

How crazy that the person didn’t help. Even if he/ they couldn’t physically- they could have gone to find help...

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@fitinfun I know it makes me think what have people become when they won't stop for a sunk boat, no fish is that important. This is minor but still ruffles my feathers, for as long as there have been boats when you pass another boat you wave and they wave back, but in the last ten years people do not wave back, it is like they have tunnel vision, they are headed to where ever and see nothing until they get there.

@mariannewest there are no excuses for someone that does not stop and help a sunk or even a broke down boat. He was just an ass.

There are lots of people like this, they won't help anyone!