What becoming a brutal dictator can tell us about living

in #games7 years ago

A few days ago I found myself with a free evening and decided to make good on a promise I'd made to myself over and over again during the last year: to play the game Civilization!

I'm sure most of you are familiar with the game but if not, here's what it is. You play an immortal tyrant who's task it is to build up a small settler tribe from a handful of members to the most successful* tribe in the world, but basically just survive and thrive. You have absolute power to control the movement of civilian or military units, city production (which is and always has been limited to one project per city) as well as some resource assignment, scientific goals and most recently cultural goals too (again, one at a time per field). There is some limited diplomacy, which has built up as the game series has progressed. Obstacles to your.

Success is measured by points, contributions to which are the metrics of the survival and wellbeing of your subjects, such as health, happiness, population count, military victory, territory, etc. But there are ways to finish the game and win, such as building great projects (like sending a spaceship to Alpha Centauri), or being the only civilization left. Your only obstacles to conquest are civil unrest (most often due to lack of food or health) at home, and war from outside. It's pretty simple really. 😅

The bread and butter of the game is building, moving and operating units (civilian units improve the land, military units provide deterrent and fight if required), building stuff in your cities and trying to navigate the technology tree of science (as well as the cultural tree in later games) with a long term yet reflexive plan.

Sounds boring but it's awesome! The first game I played in the series was Civ 2 and I was hooked fast, I played it endlessly. I loved the slow pace of the game and the detail with which you had to plan and coordinate ever increasing numbers of units and cities, taking into account terrains, other computer players and your own populous.

Years on, a reflection on the state

At the time it didn't seem odd to me that you as player would have full control of the state and the arms of the state, and that you'd be pitted against the other states in aggressive competition. It's a computer game, and one generally has compete control of the environment. I was familiar with other planning and strategy games before this, such as DinoPark Tycoon, SimCity 2000 and Command & Conquer: Red Alert. They're all awesome games where you have almost complete control, sometimes direct bodily control, of other people and their environment, in different aspects and flavors depending on the game.

When I finished playing a few centuries in Civ 5 yesterday, I thought, man this is perverse. I have complete control of this state. In these worlds the state is completely taken for granted. When I move onto new territory it is either unclaimed (and thus uninhabited), inhabited by barbarians (which deserve only death) or by another state, which I can only enter by agreement or take by force. I can send us all to our deaths, challenge others to theirs, and hopefully eventually rule the entire global. It's a nightmare.

Guns don't kill people, kids who've played computer games do (with guns)

There's the old idea that video game violence contributes towards violence in players. This has been challenged roundly, and rightly so, though it continues to be brought up from time to time. This was put well in a Forbes article by Erik Kain:

Every few months or so, somebody comes out with some fear-mongering jibber-jabber about how video games are corrupting our youth, making our young men terrible killing machines. They always ignore the fact that in nations with high rates of video game usage, violent crime is generally exceptionally low; that as video games have become more popular and realistic, violent crime has fallen; that in spite of the horrific shootings we keep seeing, these are never caused by video games, and have their roots in far more complex and difficult to understand phenomena.

What about statism in computer games, does it make people more statist? "Yes" was my first intuition, of course, they seem to legitimise the use of brutal and meticulous force and coercion, especially of your "own" people, to master the environment, all the other people, and the very stuff of nature and the cosmos. It is pure destruction wrapped up in the cosy premise of the eternal state.

But, perhaps not. Who out there among you love these kinds of games and yet is a libertarian, voluntryist or anarchist? Why do you love it? Is it because it is the Yang to your Yin? The guilty pleasure, perhaps exorcising the thing your most against, sadistically showing yourself just how much fun it is to control everything in the world?

And the thing is that although there seems to be no causal link between computer game violence and real world violence, that doesn't mean that playing these games have no effect at all on anything. That would be like saying that a reading a certain book is totally harmless and has no effect on you.

Learning from the nightmare

I found a super interesting player who posted a story on Reddit about their almost 10 year long game of Civilisation II. That is mind blowing dedication! They said:

[...] The results are as follows.

  • The world is a hellish nightmare of suffering and devastation.
  • There are 3 remaining super nations in the year 3991 A.D, each competing for the scant resources left on the planet after dozens of nuclear wars have rendered vast swaths of the world uninhabitable wastelands.

The only governments left are two theocracies and myself, a communist state. I wanted to stay a democracy, but the Senate would always over-rule me when I wanted to declare war before the Vikings did.

[And due to constant war] cities are not only tiny towns full of starving people, but that you can never improve the city. "So you want a granary so you can eat? Sorry; I have to build another tank instead. Maybe next time."

Is this kind of thing training us to be authoritarian demagogs, using either religion or communism as the cover story, in order to overrule dissenting voices, because we know what's best? Perhaps it's a stark warning of what the future might be like if we keep competing so ruthlessly. Or maybe it's just the game mechanics played out to their absurd conclusion.

Taking it literally

Is Civilization a platform for the ideas of the state?

I've been thinking a lot about the idea of certain kinds of speech being allowed to be spoken somehow legitimizes it, or in other words the idea that if we do not try to stop certain kinds of speech from being said (especially in public or by a public figure) then we are tacitly endorsing it. It's the viewpoint of "no platforming" for example, that this tacit endorsement will lead to recruitment to organisations which promote contrary ideologies.

If you take Civilization (and other empire based Real Time Strategy games really) literally, you might say that it is a platform for promoting statism at least or authoritarianism at most (you can play as an explicit fascist or communist), just like Monopoly could be seen as a game for promoting ruthless capitalism.

Monopoly is purported to have been designed as a critique of capitalism and landlords, which backfired when people just wanted to compete in a fun game. Does it them promote capitalism, challenge it, or something else? Are we all now more or less accepting of capitalism having played it as children, or simply had a richer childhood?

Gaming as artistic expression

I found out about Vincent Ocasla, a "22-year-old architecture student living in the Philippines", in a Vice article where they call him "The Totalitarian Buddhist Who Beat Sim City", obviously tongue in cheek 😜

In his own words:

[The movie Koyaanisqatsi] presented the world in a way I never really looked at before and that captivated me. Moments like these compel me to physically express progressions in my thought, I have just happened to do that through the form of creating these cities in SimCity 3000. I could probably have done something similar--depicting the awesome regimentation and brutality of our society--with a series of paintings on a canvas, or through hideous architectural models. But it wouldn't be the same as doing it in the game, because I wanted to magnify the unbelievably sick ambitions of egotistical political dictators, ruling elites and downright insane architects, urban planners, and social engineers. [emphasis mine]

We see here the direction of expression is through the game, not inspired to a political critique because of it. He goes as far as to say that while the game was the most "magnifying" art form he could have used, painting or IRL architecture would have been similar.

Here's a video of his work, spanning over more than 3 years. It's truly epic, and a well put together film project. The attention to detail is astounding, and the genius of his problem solving.

End of part 1

I'll leave it here for now. In a second part I want to look at how these games might, and important might not, affect us.

But for now, what do you think? Tell me in the comments and I'll reflect on it as I write part 2.

Thanks as always for your interest 😎 👍


All images labeled for unqualified reuse: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


I've got my hand on Hearts Of Iron III and it's great, but just like you say the best way to progress is to become a totalitarian communist or fascist dictatorship. Although the people I know who have played a bit are all libertarian or liberal, which is a bit contradictory.

It's interesting, I wonder is it contradictory really. I read this by poster agj on a forum when I was researching this post:

In my opinion, the fact that those games reflect fascism is only because they follow the same structure as most games in any genre: winning means defeating the opposition, and in this case it's nations involved. There's also the fact that history usually gives great importance to the various armed conflicts among civilizations.

Maybe it doesn't mean much and we're just playing a game 🤔 But then again it does have meaning for some people. I'm going to think more about that an explore it next time I think.

What the subject of the forum says is precise, because in almost all these games what matters is not to generate greater national progress, social development, etc, etc. The important thing is really to achieve domination and conquer countries, win the war, where the totalitarian countries showed greater mobility and more flexibility.

Although I do not think that the impact that these games can generate on people are neither too many nor too negative, even more important is their environment.

I see, so this is the post you mentioned in your comment. Interesting stuff. I think statism vs anarchism is a false dichotomy. Strong willed people will take control of the situation during times of crisis regardless of ideologies. It doesn't matter if there's a state nor what the state claims it stands for.

For example, it's funny how you can play as Atilla and Genghis Khan in Civ 5, but they never actually founded any real cities. They are the barbarians. Genghis Khan, like some Roman Emperors, promoted religious tolerance, but not in the way we are used to today. They just figured that the more people and gods who are on their side, the more victories they will have. Today, people like to blame religion, fascism, or communism for being dangerous. They think ideology is dangerous, but I think that's not the complete picture. Humans are dangerous, regardless of what they claim they believe. People are great at rationalizing to get their way no matter what. There is no solution or resolution. Empires will rise and fall in waves just as they always had in history.

Statism vs anarchism is an incomplete dichotomy, but regardless, you suggest that because anarchism appears unrealistic to you that it cannot oppose statism; that's not true.

There's some truth to the idea that we can cynically use ideology as simply a means to power, but it's a mistake to only consider human action in terms of power, there are other dimensions to social life.

Really my question in this series of posts however is: do these games support the status quo, and if so in what ways. Can they be tools to question the structure of things? What do they teach us?

I'm not ready to accept your fatalistic point of view.

What is status quo? The world is always changing. What's status quo now was new and flashy decades ago. There are also some things that stay status quo forever. We will always be carbon based life forms. Who decides which status quo is good or bad?

Games allow you to experiment with possibilities in a structured sandbox. The framework of the sandbox contains the bias of the programmer, but the gamer also has a large degree of freedom. Then throw in the meta question: Do you play by the rules of the game or do you exploit bugs or even write your own mods and hacks? Any game can be hacked, but so far, nobody is so great of a lifehacker to cheat death in real life.

I love tabletop war games and PC god games, but I know these are not real people, and my actions would be abominable in real life.

Do you think the pretend actions have any affect on real life actions? Or is any other thing taught or learned?

I don't think video games dehumanize others or influence real-life actions for psychologically healthy people. I think they may also serve as a safe outlet for those with unhealthy inclinations. The coding behind game does betray something about the designer, perhaps. But it also demonstrates the inherent fallibility of humans. I can play Sim City and simultaneously enjoy the strategy while questioning the designer's assumption that people need to be managed and led so minutely.

Fab post mate. It really spoke to me and brought back thoughts I were having a few years ago. I even watched The Great Dictator at the time, in which Chaplin is just pure brilliance. :)

My fascination with this topic started in my child hood, playing Settlers 3 and Amazon edition. It was just such a beautiful and sweetlooking game, but at the same time very realistic in terms of the actual division of labor needed to get me (a mighty god, working for the mightiest) all the resources needed for the labours to able to build and protect the settlers town.

I think right then and there I realized that I wanted to do something similar in real life. And as the story goes, due to other circumstance I also slowly picked up more and more, not just radical, but downright sociopathic ideological traits.

It can be very easy to confuse means with ends and not take proper notice when you start to contradict your end goals or when correlating needed means starts to reflect a way of being that is unhealthy.

The way I play games these days has become at times much more personal due to waking up to real world implications that I had missed in the past. Maybe it's an age thing as well or it has primarily to do with reading and doing philosophy, but just as when watching Titanic now many years after the first time I watched it, I'm able to get emersed in the actual experiences of the main characters like I never used to. Feelings overflowing. Tears guaranteed. In the greatest way. :)

The other way I do it is being very scientific about it, attempting to see the worlds created from the point of whoever produced the game/movie. It can provide a whole new and much more artistic experience.

In the end though, I think I play both simply to play for the enjoyment of what I would have done if it had been reality, but also sometimes to act out some of my darker side and see just what cruelty I and the system at hand are able of delivering (narrowly making sure I'm not actually fetischising it obviously). It gives sort of a cleansing of some of the destructive tendencies that you might be sitting on, but specifically a great opportunity to learn about sides to society or yourself that would not normally experience and have access to.

That's awesome that you have a personal experience with this stuff too, I'm delighted to read your thoughts on this 🙂

I suppose I'm wondering if we play the games and express ourselves through them, or are the games playing themselves through us, causing us to express the ideals of the game. And if so, what are the ideals? Are they serious like a respect of and a yearning for authoritarian power, or do they just inspire people to be bureaucrats or accountants? 😂 Maybe there needs to be actual research and not just speculation, like a longitudinal study following Civ players from childhood to old age 🙃

If we truly are the ones playing it's interesting to think we may be exorcizing demons, expressing stuff we can't otherwise, or as you call it "cleansing of any destructive tendencies". It reminds me of a popular idea in sexual psychology, that sex is about everything except sex and those with kinks are often exploring the darker sides of their desires more or less safely through sex.

Or have you heard of the Theatre of the Oppressed? Basically you act out power relations but take on different roles, not only your own role in real life, and it's supposed to help mediate disputes and power relations. It's pretty leftie, dealing with collective, class based oppression really, but the idea is that instead of passively watching theatre as we usually do, we act in it an instead of just catharsis we gain understanding by doing. (I think that sums it up correctly anyway!) So perhaps it could be a similar contrast as with watching a video movie and playing a video game. And it might have some of the same benefits, if the game encourages it that is. So do these games?

I think it's very similar to boxing. There's no determinism causing boxers to be violent in their lives in general, although surely it happens, but the act of punching a bag can help people let off some steam. If a person is having trouble dealing with some issue, it's a lot healthier to use for example boxing as a mechanism for beating inertia, rather than holding it in, as holding in emotions can in the long run cause resentment against oneself for having never fully dealt with the emotional issue.

But there can certainly be new issues caused if playing the game is simply an escape from the work of dealing with the original issue at hand, or if one for whatever reason choose to adopt new ways of being in ones general life, perhaps thinking that they will help one escape, mask, or dissolve this issue by changing ones emotional state of mind or general way of being. If one adopts a violent, agressive or ignorant mindset as a way of life, then we can start to see real issues.

As you allude to, sometimes this is done, still conciously on one level, but not fully conciously and thought through to the end. It's easy to trick oneselve (some might say that the 'mind' or 'brain' is the tricking 'you', which we might recognize that there is at least some truth to) that one hasn't changed, or that what one is doing is a positive or at least not worrying change, simply because we percieve it to be within the bounds of what was recently "normal". This is the reason many professional actors make great effort not to adopt the personality traits of the characters they play on the big screen. If done for a long time, this can be very difficult.

I think you're onto something when you mention sexual kinks. It's an area and a tool of exploration. Just like we can explore the world "materially" for the benefit that such exploration brings to us "materialy", so to speak, we can also explore the world (including that part of our own self which we are able of percieving) in order better to understand and get used to dealing with ourselves. The "theatre of the opressed", as well as many cults, secret societies etc, all use these principles to some extent and part of why they are so enticing to some people is their "mystical", exciting, explorable worlds, where a particular sort of self-reflection is encouraged. Often by going through rituals, rising in rank etc. The free masons for example, while deeply spiritual and ideological, can be seen as a pre-computer era MMORPG, built on top of guilds and practical forms of secrecy, "brotherhood" and cooperation.

I'm really coming around to the its-everything-and-nothing perspective, i.e. it depends on the person, their intentions, their character and situation.

Still, I think this fails to address one of the larger question, which is "do these games promote statism?" The post title is more about what we can learn personally, but I wonder what the effect is broadly, if anything is discernible at all. I need to do more reading 🤓

EDIT: btw I didn't address it, but that's really interesting. I would like to encourage you to write about this topic too in a post, I think you have thought fairly deeply about it and perhaps it would be a good compliment, in both senses of the word 😉

The systemic risk I think would be significantly guided by other ideological and inter-social factors in society. If Putin plays a video game, is he going to play it the same way and make the same take aways as if Obama did it? I don't think so.

Thank you for your thoughts. I'll see what I can do.

I love that sketch!
Upvoted indeed 👍

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 7 years ago  Reveal Comment