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RE: Enjoyed The Super Bowl 53? It's All Scripted To Numerology And Gematria

in #gematria6 years ago

flauwy! How are you my friend! I dont know what happened on Facebook, i cant reach you. I want to wish you a great trip to Acapulco and btw. I have found the best detox and it's free!! Much love to you my friend. I've felt powerless for some time and this water of life i've come realise has ignited me again!! Sincerely Niels


Niels, my friend. I have deleted my Facebook account. Thank you for coming here to find me. I miss your peaceful energy. Especially on a dark day like I had today!

This detox sounds like something i urgently need.

Your words warms my heart flauwy! Thank you! I miss you so much. You need to watch this video!! With an open mind :D

Ah I see, I already did that and it helped a lot. My wife is big into that.