I saw it last night and I thought it was excellent. Full disclosure, I'm a big fan of Sorkin. There really hasn't been much he's done that I haven't liked on some level. And Molly Bloom (I haven't read the book yet, so I don't what changes were made) seems tailor-made to be a Sorkin protagonist. Exceptionally smart, and talented person who does unsavory (but not too unsavory) things, but is ultimately a very moral person and when the cards are down (no pun intended) does the right thing. And as much as Sorkin gets criticised for his writing of woman (some of which I totally agree with BTW), I thought he did a good job making Molly an interesting, well-rounded character without falling into his usual pitfalls when writing woman.
ps. I also like Kevin Costner :)
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fantastic response. You are a great writer pal!
Thanks for the kind words :)