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RE: Plant breeding with the Gridcoin-Community: Project "plantbreeding@home" (Renamed project!)

in #gridcoin8 years ago

It's a great idea and I would like to join. Maybe Chilies are the better plant since they are easy to grow in a pott inside whereas the tomatoes are difficult to cultivate inside. Although I would need someone to take all my friuts I cannot eat spicy food!


Hey maleja,

thank you for your comment! As nothing is decided yet, there are possibilities that even if we breed some kind of pepper, it can be an ornamental or non-spicy variant. Whatever you want! :) I will post further introduction, a contact adress and a voting-possibility the next days, so stay tuned!

Actually this would be great. The full flavour of peppers with a medium/low spice and of course a beautiful colour ! But of course if there are more ideas or other wishes I will join the project anyway!