I am not a beet person either, but with the carrots and apples it adds just the right flavor and sweetness to tone down the strong beet taste.
We had one of the Jack Lelane(?) juicers, that spins super fast and leaves the leftover pulp really wet. Hey there is still juice in that there pulp! These new juicers are soooo much better. Very low rpm and better juice production. Even though the rpms are really low, I can clean, cut, and make 2 quarts of juice in about 20 minutes or less.
Juicing is pretty fun too. My daughter loves feeding the fruits and veggies into the machine. Oddly satisfying. Lol
I would likely get this old one out and make sure we will use it before I invest in a new one. It will be easier to get the hub on board this summer when we hopefully have lots of fruits and veggies. I felt so much better when I was juicing. How good of you teaching good nutrition to your daughter. We are 30 minutes from any fast food or grocery so I am thankful not to have those conveniences to tempt me.
Totally being that old beast out and put it to work 😉 I’m not a fan of eating raw veggies but juicing is a great way to get them in.
I’m hoping to get some acreage so I can grow whatever I want. We have 4 Fuji apple trees growing and an apricot tree. Started them all from seeds.
My kids just like the apple juice but we are working on getting them to drink other juice too 😉
Excellent. We have 4 wild apple trees on the farm but we have to fight the deer, squirrels and bears for our share. Same thing with an old peach tree. She put out 8 bushel 3 years ago but the bear got into them the last few years. I will just have to pick them green this year :) We planted an apple, plum and pear tree last fall and they are doing well so hoping to add 6 or 7 more trees next month.
Wow, that’s a nice variety of fruit trees. Dang mountain beasts taking all your yummy fruit. Maybe you need a bear rug. 😂😂😂
That would be nice but I don't think I would care for the meat. I had it once and it was tough and greasy. I need to have someone on retainer to take the meat :) We have I believe 8 bear here on the property, that we recognize. Rare Triplets, twins, 2 mommas and a Big Daddy. At least they do spread out some, so some of these will move on. The coyotes are just now making a comeback. Maybe they will help.
I’ve heard that thendame thing about bear meat. Tough and greasy 🤮🤮
How often do you see this family of bears? That is pretty cool to have so much wildlife around. As long as they keep their distance and quit eating all the fruit 😉
We don't see them much at all during the winter but they do not do a full hibernate here, it is just not cold enough. However, I pick up dog poo weekly from our yard and I pick up more Bear Poo. They are everywhere and come up on our front porch too. I have a video I will share one day. We see them in Spring, Summer and Fall just passing thru our property always to the pine trees. They are not aggressive at all but definitely we keep our distant. My German Shepherd has a hissy fit and likes to try to run them off. We have had 2 confrontations and thankfully the bear ran off. The cubs will be about 200 pounds this Spring and they get VERY curious. I have to bring all bird feeders and hummingbird feeders inside every night. They will also destroy bird houses that are on posts. For now, we are enjoying them and I am OK with their rules :)