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RE: Getting Juiced Up For The Week

in #health7 years ago

I’ve heard that thendame thing about bear meat. Tough and greasy 🤮🤮

How often do you see this family of bears? That is pretty cool to have so much wildlife around. As long as they keep their distance and quit eating all the fruit 😉


We don't see them much at all during the winter but they do not do a full hibernate here, it is just not cold enough. However, I pick up dog poo weekly from our yard and I pick up more Bear Poo. They are everywhere and come up on our front porch too. I have a video I will share one day. We see them in Spring, Summer and Fall just passing thru our property always to the pine trees. They are not aggressive at all but definitely we keep our distant. My German Shepherd has a hissy fit and likes to try to run them off. We have had 2 confrontations and thankfully the bear ran off. The cubs will be about 200 pounds this Spring and they get VERY curious. I have to bring all bird feeders and hummingbird feeders inside every night. They will also destroy bird houses that are on posts. For now, we are enjoying them and I am OK with their rules :)