Now is the proper time for Jamrul. The greater the nature of the sunlight, the more sweet is the sweetener. On the other hand, Jamrul's taste in the rainy year is in the water.
The nutrient of this fruit available is very nice, it is very nice. Every 100 grams of jamurul contain 56 calories, protein 0.5 to 0.7 grams, carbohydrate 14.2 grams, food grains 1.1 to 1.9 grams, fat 0.2 to 0.3 grams, calcium 29 to 45. 2 milligrams, magnesium 4 mg, phosphorus 11.7 to 30 milligrams, iron 0.45 to 1.2 mg, sodium 34.1 mg, potassium 34.1 mg, copper 0.01 mg, sulfur 13 mg, chlorine 4 mg At the 89.1 to 45.5 grams of water color.
There are also a small quantity of carotene, thiamine, niacin, ascicobic acid in Jamrule. Jamrul is very useful for health. Let's know what you can get if you play jamarul.
Reduces the risk of cancer-resistant Jamurul cancer.
Jamrule has vitamin C and fiber, which helps to increase digestion.
Zamrul is a very fruitful fruit to reduce cholesterol levels.
Jamrul plays an effective role in controlling diabetes levels.
Jamrul works as a tonic for brain and liver care.
Jamrul is rich in Herbal Compounds. It is used in the healing of rheumatism.
Jamrul's role in removing black spots under the eyes is unique.
It is possible to fill your nutrition a little bit while playing a fresh pudding every day.
The cultivation of Jamurul easily at home
How apple cultivation tub / clay to create apple crop What kind of tub / container shape will select apple varieties to choose apple cultivation / planting the right time, how apple crop sowing and proper manner irrigation dibenasathika manner apple cultivation / kausalajamarula crop fertilizer and manure How to apply and care for the Jamrul garden, the quality of the food of the Jamrul, when the herbal medicinal properties of Jamrul What do the planets can be found in the apple
Let us know how to cultivate Jamrul in the attic or rooftop of the house or on the verandah of the house or in the yard or in the yard
Jamrul is a known fruit of all of us. These fruits look as good and eat as well as creams and sweets. This fruit is currently being grown in our country at a huge rate. All of the big stars have many fruits. If you wish, you can cultivate this fruit in the attic or roof or house courtyard or in the yard or in the yard. Let's know how to cultivate this fruit.
How to make tomril soil / soil
Jamrul can be cultivated in almost all the land of our country. However, the cultivation of Jamurul is best in low lying or sandy loam soil. The cultivation of jamrul on this soil yields good yield.
What type of tub / pot type will be selected in Jamrul farming
You can use medium-sized clay pots to cultivate Jamurul at home. It is also good to use Half Drum. But if there is space in the house courtyard, it is better to apply to the ground than to tub or drum.
Sorting varieties of jamrul
There are several varieties of Jamrul cultivation in our country. However, there is a kind of Thai Jamrul named Jamrul, which has a lot of excellence in Thailand. This jamrul is very sweet to eat There are also many varieties of jamrul.
Jamurul cultivation / planting time is right
Jamrul can be cultivated in our country almost all the year. But the month of May to July is the proper time for the cultivation of Jamrul. Good yield is available at the time of planting.
How to plant seeds in Jamrul and sow the seeds in the right way
To cultivate Jamrul, the tub soil should be properly prepared first. Can grow jamrul with seeds or pens. But cutting method is more profitable than seeds. And the right way to water it. Keep in mind that the water is not too high or low.
Jamrul farming system / strategy
Due to the dung or organic fertilizer mixed in the soil by the month of May. Combine wood ash, bone powder, TSP, MOP and boron fertilizers. Then the appropriate plant should be replaced to the tub soil. But keep in mind that both the cold or hot damages the Jamrul tree.
Fertilizer and fertilizer application in Jamurul cultivation
You can give organic fertilizers made in your home for cultivation of Jamurul. For example, wood can be made of coal, brinjal, mustard peel, garbage dump, fish meat wash water etc. You can also give some inorganic fertilizers to some extent.
How to care and care for the Jamrul garden
Modern varieties of jamrul trees are trendy and short. Therefore, if the trees are small, more branches should be cut off. Then many branches of the tree emerge. If the tree is a little bigger, the tree should be tied with a single cord. At the beginning of the tree should be careful not to grow weeds. And regular weeds should be cleaned.
Jamrul's food quality
There are many food poisons in Jamrule. Jamrul can be eaten in all circumstances. It contains Vitamin B-2, Acetic, Mineral salt, Vitamin C, Iron and Carotene. It also has plenty of water.
Jamurul's medicinal properties
Jamrul has several medicinal properties. Jamrul diabetes is very beneficial to prevent patient thirst.
When to collect Jamrul
Jamrul usually starts from the beginning of summer. But there are also fruits in rainy season. But keep in mind that the fruit is not too much in the fruit. Then the fruit taste decreases.
How much is available
The Jamrul tree gives fruit several times a year. It yields at least 4 to 5 times a year. So you will get several results a year from a palm tree. If you want to meet your family's needs, you can sell it.
I like this fruit